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Hope Falls

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Hope Falls Empty Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 31 Aug - 10:59

“One more word and I’ll have you placed under arrest for treason and the plot you’ve developed to kidnap the Queens grandson. Do you think your brother, Lord Mehan, will come to defend you for the conspiracy? Or do you think they’ll just leave you here to rot the way you did your youngest sister? Get Out.”


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 31 Aug - 15:27

"You are palying with fire, tree dweller." Rohan seethed, eyes narrowed as he peered over his sister towards him. "You are a cocky little shit if you genuinely believe your mundane little life of nothing will ever be enough for a Baldruunian Princess. When she comes running home, and you are throwing yourself off of a cliff then we shall celebrate with glee. It will be sooner than you think." With that, Rohan slammed the door behind himself and skulked off.

"It was never going to be an easy conversation to have. Two down, three more people to tell on my side." Avani breathed, slipping arms around Rauiri to pull him into a hug. "I hope when we tell your friends it will be a warmer reaction."

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 31 Aug - 15:38

“My friends will think I am insane for proposing to someone so much higher than myself. But they will understand we are mates, they will be happy for us. I am sorry your brother does not seem to understand the concept of being in love and being happy.”


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 31 Aug - 16:01

"I am not so fussed about Rohan, he will come around he is just... attempting to be protective. It is Rahul that -" She swallowed when her voice caught, she brushed her thumb over his heart lightly. "Despite them all, I am.. so elated that we no longer have to hide. By this evening, everyone will know. Your friends next, then the rest of my sons tonight. We are so close."

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 31 Aug - 16:08

“Our intentions, no. But your brother is right… we do not want to make it too obvious what we have been up to, especially when your husband was alive. For your reputation. For the potential anger it may cause any of Rajiv’s relatives… so Queen Isolde does not look as if she was condoning it. We put our intention to marry out there tonight, and then we arrange it as soon as possible so we no longer have to hide.” Rohan murmured, kissing her forehead and moving to rest one hand on her waist; the other against her stomach.


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 31 Aug - 16:58

"The world will not collapse if we share a kissing n the halls, or in front of your friends, Rauiri." Avani whispered, closing her eyes at the kiss. "It has been months, the grieving period is over. If I want to be affectionate to my mate in public, as long as he is consenting, then I shall."

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 31 Aug - 17:25

“From here on out I would rather do everything proper where we can, Avani. Give people less fuel to poor on the fire… Give your son less to shout about if he goes back home to his father’s family and tells them about us. What if the Sharma’s take offence and send men to either drag you back and make you face punishment or just to off you altogether for the insult? If nobody can prove anything, can testify to anything, then it makes it less likely you will be harmed.” Ruairi shook his head. “If I were a man of greater standing than I am I could claim you as a mistress and we could be done with it until we married but I am not… and there is no male equivalent.” He laughed humourlessly.


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 31 Aug - 17:32

"I am a widower, I can fuck whoever I like." Avani breathed through her irritation. "I dont understand. We aren't doing anything wrong anymore, do you just - Have you changed your mind about marrying me? About - about us?"

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 31 Aug - 17:42

“Of course not Avani. But having spent time around your son… he is vindictive and you know this. Your brother said he has disowned you. I do not trust your son to not go scorched earth with you and bring his fathers family into this mess to punish you for what he deems are your sins. I’d marry you tomorrow if I could find a priestess for it, Avani. I would not change my mind.”

((Just so you have less to scroll through later))

Daphne frowned, dropping her arms and moving them to wrap around her stomach. “This is my home, you cannot be too comfortable at home, Agatha. This is my home, where I live with the husband I love, where I will birth our son - the first of many, Gods willing.”

“Agatha is right. You were in public, visibly with child instead of in confinement. Your clothes are fitting and show your form, your hair unbound. You were fussing over us in public. You did not tell Uncle of the disgusting disrespect your husband has shown by not only having a bastard child but raising it here in the walls under your nose with its mother? You share these rooms with your husband instead of having your own? You have allowed these people to mould you away from the correct way of doing things so quickly, sister. Agatha is right, you forget that you are still our family, our Princess. You forget you are not one of them, you represent us.”

I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Through the eyes of the people who love you. Even if the future King were a constructed persona through your mother, every other facet of you is not. You being a good father - spending nights with our crying son when he could be handed off to staff when the exhaustion takes over, sitting with him and playing with his wooden horses, taking him out on your own, learning what he does and does not like to wear… that is not constructed by anyone but yourself. Being a good brother - taking Mor out into the woods and teaching her to climb trees, and how to swim in the lake. Letting her play with your hair and decorate your face is not an illusion presented to others. You being a good son - sitting with your mother when she was unwell, taking on more than you need to help when she is struggling. You are the one who has done all that, it is not some rumour your parents have built on. Being my friend - spending hours teaching me the silly card games you play over here even though I will never quite get them. Bringing me gifts from the markets to remind me of home, granting me my freedom when you will never quite trust that I won’t use it to take our boy but doing it anyway…” Indira continued to brush her fingers through his hair to soothe him, holding him close. “None of who you are is false, it is all you, Kael.”

“I do. I love him, and I want him to be part of this family too…”


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 1 Sep - 0:26

"Rahul wouldn't intentionally do anything that would hurt me, vindictive is thought about and planned. Rahul lashes out when he is overwhelmed emotionally, he struggles to keep his temper in check. It is something he has always struggled with." Avani shook her head, "I don't believe he will be angry forever, I don't believe he will hurt us. As for us, this is the time to be normal. I am not proposing mass gestures of affection in public, I am just wanting normality. Meals, a drink in a tavern with your friends. Going into the market together."

"How long did it take you to become so comfortable? It is just unlike anything we have been warned of. Unlike anything that we expected." Agatha questioned, not unkindly as she hovered by one of the chairs. "May I sit?"

"Thank you," Kael spoke with a trembling breath, resting his hand against the space between her shoulder blades as he finally held her in return. Closing his eyes.

"I knew it would strike you, it strikes everyone." Conan hummed his amusment. "You always shook your head and said you had an ice heart. You would not be a daughter of your mother and I if that were true. He is joining us this morning?"

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 1 Sep - 8:54

“And I am proposing we do all we can to keep you safe because I do not trust your family.” Ruairi levelled, shaking his head as he pulled away. “Your brother was already planning to grab your sister and run, we know he is capable of making choices that benefit your family but not you or your sister personally.”

“Do as you please…” Daphne swallowed when once again she received no affection from either of them. “I became comfortable quickly, I was welcomed here. Kael has done all he - “

“Your Prince has ignored our culture, has insulted you. You cannot expect us to be pleased for this husband you exclaim about, Daphne! We come here and do not recognise the woman in front of us. He has changed you entirely.”

“I am still your sister… Forgive me for being excited you are finally here… for expecting you to be happier to be here with me…”

Indira released her own sigh of relief as he finally held her back, having needed the comfort as much as he did.

“I invited him to, if that is okay?”

“More than okay, of course!” Liara nodded, gently handing Malachi over to Conan when the boy began to reach over.


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 1 Sep - 13:18

"I have lived in fear since the day I was forced to marry Rajiv, and before it too. I refuse to change my behaviour any longer to keep myself safe. It is not a life, and I will not do it."

"We are happy to see you. We just want to ensure that you are safe, that is all. More than just physically safe but that your values are being respected too." Agatha frowned, reaching across to take her sisters hand, squeezing it tightly. "We've missed you dearly, but this place is overwhelming for us and it has been a long journey."

Kael's fingers dug in slightly as he tightened his grip, turning his head to hide his face in her hair.

Conan gasped in faux surprise as the baby was passed to him, holding him close and bouncing him gently. Looking towards the door as the guards pushed it open and Marcus took a semi-confident step inside, tugging at the sleeve of a white shirt that was slightly too short - ending half way up his lower arm.

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 1 Sep - 13:35

“We understand conforming to survive, when you were here on your own without any of us, separated after our entire lives together. But you do not need to conform anymore sister. Whatever it is they have you doing - have convinced you to allow, so that you feel accepted and included, you no longer need to do.” Iskra assured, “Starting with this sharing rooms business, entirely impractical.”

“I have my own assigned chambers and when I am unwell, or Kael is due to return late I do sometimes use them, it is not that I am forced into sharing with Kael. Kael and I enjoy - “ Daphne insisted, taking her sisters hand with both of her own.

“Kael, Kael Kael. What of you?” Iskra looked to Agatha with a soft sigh. “Mother said this may be the case, that we may have lots to undo as you have been on your own for so long. But no worries, we are here now to take care of you properly.”

“I did not think our first disagreement would be over your safety.” Ruairi laughed in quiet frustration as he moved away to pace the room.

“You are not a failure Kael. In any aspect. And it is clear to those of us around you who you are, and it is not your mother’s puppet.” Indira assured, moving her hand to gently brush down the back of his head. Her other moving to rest on his shoulder with the same soothing movements. “You need someone to work you over, I can feel how tight and tense you are through your clothing,” she observed with a small laugh. “I imagine it’s bordering on painful.”

Aesira turned as the door open, unable to stop herself grinning and getting to her feet as Marcus walked in, quickly stepping over to greet him.

“She is giddy, like an excitable puppy greeting its master.” Liara observed quietly to Conan with a grin. “She well and truly has been struck.”


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 1 Sep - 13:58

Marcus' shoulders drooped as the tension escaped from them. Lifting his arms up to pull her into a hug, whispering light-heartedly, though nerves clear in his voice, "I look ridiculous, I know. I haven't had to wear anything formal in years, it is all I had. You laugh at me and I will make you pay in unimaginable ways."

"Aesira, love sick. It is wonderful." Conan smiled.

"Occasionally," He chuckled humourlessly. "I barely notice it, for the most part. Everything is so busy, this coronation is... there is always something I should be doing."

"I would just like us to be a normal couple, not having to be so careful of what we are doing. Going to social events. I don't want to hide anymore, Rauiri. It's meant to be over now."

"You speak of this man like he is one of the Gods."

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 1 Sep - 14:09

“Am I not supposed to revere my husband, to respect him?”

“You are supposed to respect him, of course. But you are behaving as if you are in one of the stories, that he is your knight in shining armour and you have lost all sense of self and dignity with it, Daphne. Queen you may be but you must remember this marriage was forged as an alliance. Have you done anything in your marriage so far that may benefit us or our people back home? You are benefiting this country by providing it an heir, what are they doing for you in return?”

“Kael married me because he was interested in me, he was not forced or - “

“Oh Daphne…” Iskra murmured in genuine sadness for her sister. “He married you the same reason we shall all be married. We are fair, we have huge dowries with a rich family and we are well mannered. They truly have filled your head and you have allowed it in our absence…”

“Heavy is the head, even when the crown is not yet upon it mm?” Indira frowned sympathetically as she continued to comb her fingers through his hair. “Surely there must be something to take the edge off, even if for an hour?”

“You act as if it will take years for us to marry. Why can you not wait a few more weeks when we have already waited this long?”

“Why would I laugh at you making an effort?” Aesira shook her head as she held him in return. “They are as happy as I am that you are here, do not fret.”

“Bittersweet for Cassius, I think.” Liara murmured as her gaze fell to her stepson.


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 1 Sep - 14:21

"Mm," Conan hummed, gaze finally moving off f his daughter to watch his eldest son. "Cass?"

Cassius didn't respond, it taking another gently call from his father before he looked towards them and away from his sister. "Mm? Yeah. Yeah, sorry. What was the question?"

"How can you fathom waiting anything longer when there is nothing holding us back?" Avani swallowed, sinking into the seat beside the window sadly.

"Daphne, Mor, Idris. Spending time with them is what takes the edge off." Kael whispered. "When Lucian and Magnus come down for the coronation, I hope I have time to spend with them that isn't the stuffy official kind."

(( Work time))

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 1 Sep - 14:45

“Perhaps that can be my official job title, ensuring you have fun.” Indira mused softly with a quiet chuckle.

“Your family are holding us back. I do not trust them, Avani. If your brother is willing to resort to kidnap what makes you think he wouldn’t resort to ruining your reputation to have what he wants? What makes you think your son won’t go the extra mile to hurt you? You are blinded by your love for them.”

“Are you okay, Cass?” Liara asked gently.


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 1 Sep - 14:55

"My reputation doesn't matter to me, I have no use or interest in it. My son, he wouldn't do a thing to hurt me, he is my son." Avani shook her head. "Whatever Rohan and Kiaan choose to do, they will do whether we are married or not. Being affectionate in halls a week before a wedding will not make a difference."

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 1 Sep - 15:06

“Until you have a promise from your sister that she has gotten Kael to support you then - “ Ruairi shook his head with a sigh. “Your reputation may not matter to you but it matters to others. You wish to work to support yourself, as this house and its upkeep is not something I can afford, as we discussed. You think people will wish to have you work for them? Buy your services? If your reputation is shattered then you’ll not be able to do the work you wish to do. As for your son - your brother said he had disowned you.”


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 1 Sep - 17:04

"My son says many things, he has disowned me very frequently. Especially recently." Avani reached a hand across to him, offering to take his. "You are trying to look after me, I know, but this is a moment I ask you to trust me with blind faith."

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 1 Sep - 17:24

“Your family aside… How we earn is still affected Avani. The sale of my parents home will only make so much, and if your family will not support you over here and you ruin your reputation then we are back to where we started. Your brother was right… I cannot provide you with what you need alone.”


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 1 Sep - 18:03

"We have had this conversation before, there is enough from what Rajiv left for us to be comfortable for awhile. Indira will not see me struggle and since Kael has fallen out with Hawk, you are in number one spot out of the staff. I am no spoilt brat, I am not hard to keep. It is - This is ridiculous. Why are we even going to marry if you don't want your friends seeing us together? Are you embarrassed by me? Is this because of what Arzen did?"

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 1 Sep - 18:40

“Yes, I’m embarrassed by you, that’s exactly it Avani.” Ruairi replied sarcastically. “I am so embarrassed by you I asked you to marry me. I am so embarrassed by you I am selling my parents home to fund our life together. I am so embarrassed by you I risked my life by being with you in the first place. You may not see yourself as spoiled but you are sheltered. You do not see how things work, how things will be interpreted when it is outside of your usual social circle. You think it is just as simple as us turning up places together and all will be well for you and I. You are not grasping any of this. How many times has your sister complained about the whispers she is still on the end of? And she was with the Prince unmarried, not a common guard. And even if after all this you are silly enough to insist you do not care - what of your sons? Do you want them to hear it all? Be treated differently because their mother and stepfather did not act appropriately? You are acting as if I am an accessory you wish to flaunt - as if being with me is your first act of rebellion after freedom. Is that what all this was, Princess? A way to not be under his thumb? A way to claim your own agency?”


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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 1 Sep - 19:01

"You are not an accessory, that is ridiculous." Avani shook her head, turning her attention away to gaze out of the window once again. "Wanting to be openly myself is not a negative, it is normal. Other than the time we have spent together, and with my sister, it has been a constant need to be hyper vigilant. I was not mad when I first came here, checking for gaps in walls, floorboards. There are reasons for that, we have had these conversations before. The want to kiss my fiance in public is not unusual. I - We are not arguing over this. Fine, we shall remain a secret until after we are married. No one has to know."

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Hope Falls Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 1 Sep - 19:57

“I love that you are making it seem as if I am doing it to punish you rather than protect. Excuse me Princess, I have matters to attend to.” Ruairi excused himself before leaving.


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