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Hope Falls

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 1:52

"'That is what I want for you to explain, before we continue. What have you done to make you believe that your career is on thr chopping block?"

"I am cautious. This place is no and different and you seem different along with it. What do you want from us with so much change, with such a tiring journey? Do not be cruel, not when we are trying to look out for you."

"'Not evety person can matter Aesira, not to people like your father and step-mother. Hundreds is a lot to contemplate, never mind thousands." Marcus breathed. "It is not an insult, just realism. I know kind wolves, who have had very difficult lives because of people who do not even know they exist. That is all I mean to say."

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 2:06

“Nothing, but that does not mean you may not want me when you begin your rule. I remember the stories about your mother when she was crowned, not a single person from her father’s table was kept aside from her Uncle. She wanted to start almost completely fresh. Replaced almost all the heads of the guards, replaced the generals in the armies, forced men her father had raised and titled to abdicate their seats for their sons…”

“Your grandfather,” Wyatt directed toward Kael quietly with a nod at the memory.

“For all I know, Wyatt is the equivalent of the one you are keeping and the rest of us are to go.”

“You are being cruel. You come here and team up against me. Withhold affection to punish me for what you consider poor behaviour. You have been here such a short amount of time and all you have done is seek to have me on the floor begging forgiveness for problems you believe I have so you can forgive and re-educate me. I do not need it. I am who I am. If you are not happy with it then I will offer you out like prized mares and ensure you are married and with child by the winter solstice if it is so terrible being here with me already!”

“She is like mama, when she is with child. Dramatic, everything is a personal slight, invisible enemies within us all.” Iskra grimaced as she whispered quietly to Agatha. “Her mood will shift back soon, as hers did, all will be well once she has had some sugar and sleep.”


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 2:14

"There will be replacements, yes, but not in the same way." Kael chuckled then, shaking his head in response to Rauiri's panic. "In fact, I am only here as an observer, for the moment. Captain Hawk has a proposition for you, and of course you are welcome to decline it, or go away and think of it but the two of us have had a conversation and are in agreement."

"Tiring." Agatha translated in a whisper, "Too tiring for us to deal with when we have spent such a long time travelling." Directing, afterwards, at her elder sister, "I think it best we head to our rooms. We can meet your husband tomorrow."

(( Night night ))

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 10:52

“If you meet him at all, I do not know why I would bring you in front of him when all you will do is sneer. If I told you I had someone for you to meet but they have already decided they dislike you I am sure you would decline the opportunity.” Daphne muttered as she left the room, slamming the door.

“She never had such a temper at home… Uncle chose her over the older ones because her gentle nature would be less likely to get her hit by the beast of a man she married.” Iskra remarked, “Where has the anger come from? What has he done to her? Mother was only angry when she was fearful.” She added before walking into the bedroom and gently waking their youngest sister. Holding her hand as she lead Zenovia back into the front room.

“I am tired…” Zenovia whined almost tearfully.

“I know, once we have rooms that are ours we shall have you dressed for bed and Aggie will tuck you in properly.”

“Why the cloak and dagger about the entire situation?” Ruairi frowned as he looked between the two men.

“Your new King has a flare for the dramatics, what can I say?” Wyatt chuckled


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 11:41

"I thought we had a stronger working relationship, didn't expect you to respond with such anxiety." Kael laughed quietly. "Sorry. Back to business, mm. Wyatt Hawk will soon be a Lord, rather than a Captain. It will leave a job opening and..." He looked towards Wyatt, allowing him to say the rest.

Agatha held her arms out towards Zenovia, frowning at her tears. "Come, sit on my lap. It won't take much longer for our rooms to be prepared I am sure." Adding quietly to Iskra, "We need to keep a close eye on Daphne. The mood swings are... extreme."

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 12:26

“I want mama.” Zenovia whispered as she curled into Agatha’s lap, closing her eyes again almost instantly.

“Changes must be made. Starting with their sleeping arrangements. It is not good for the health of the child if they are sharing a bed - what if that giant she is sleeping with rolls over and crushes her? Not good. We work on that and keeping her in her room as a priority, the rest we can work on to help her later.”

“Dramatic, as I told you.” Wyatt raised his eyebrows toward Kael before looking back at Ruairi. “We are looking for you to fill my position as captain of the household guard.”

“I - me? Not Brennan?”

“You are next in line and we see no reason for it to not be you.”


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 12:33

"You have proven yourself. You step up when Hawk needs time off, you helped co-ordinate a rescue operation and brought him home safely. You have attended a trip East with me, and remained here to keep the castle safe. You haven't stepped a foot wrong, you're self-reflective, continuously improving and thought of highly by not just us but the others. You don't need to accept it, you can say no and we can look at our options again. You can go away, think of it for a few nights. As long as we know on your first day back from leave."

"You'll have to be satisfied with just us for now, Via." Agatha hummed, nor unkindly. Gently smoothing her hair down as she swayed with her. Humming an agreement with her other sister, "Mm, one step at a time. It is a good place to start."

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 12:43

“Can I sleep in your bed tonight Aggie?” Zenovia whispered tiredly.

“One she is in her own rooms and sleeping properly I imagine the mood will improve and we can work on everything else with her. Ensure the child is delivered safely. At least we can be present for the birth to ensure they do not try and nonsense with her.”

“And I think most importantly… you were willing to give up your relationship with the Princess to tell Kael about the threat on his son’s safety. That was her brother you were giving up, she may well have ended things with you and you did not. You have proven your loyalty immensely.”

“Of course - of course I accept, Sir. Thank you. It would be an honour.”


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 14:57

"Yes, and that the correct people are in there. Goodness know what will happen if we were not here." Agatha agreed, though nodded her confirmation to Zenovia. "You may. Only tonight though."

"It will be an honour to have you step up. Captain Cavanaugh, Lord Hawk." Kael raised amused eyebrows. "Official changes can not happen for a few months yet, but this will give time for Wyatt to hand over what he needs to, train you where he must. Anything you need so you are ready from coronation day."

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 15:01

An hour after one of Isolde's meetings were due to end, and half an hour after his own, Aodhän made his way down the halls towards Isolde's office. Brushing knuckles against the door, "Sol?"

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 15:12

“They would have men in the room, no doubt. We need to see who their healers are and ensure that no man goes near her during labour. If they are forcing her to disrespect all other aspects of our culture I imagine they are taking no heed to the warnings that a man in the room during birth is bad luck. I shall pretend to fall ill in the morning to see their healing team.”

“Thank you Sir, I am truly honoured.” Ruairi extended his hand toward Kael.

Isolde didn’t reply, head down on her desk as she slept. An inkwell knocked over and having already soaked into the sleeves of her dress where her arm had laid next to it.


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 15:22

"Wonderful idea,"

Kael grabbed his hand, shaking it the once before pulling him into a brief hug. Patting his back happily, "A promotion comes with a pay rise, more respect. You have big boots to fill, I am sure you'll do it with ease."

Aodhän glanced towards Isolde's guard when there was no response with a frown, pushing the door open and tensing as he took her in. "Isolde?" He repeated, pace quickening as he crossed the room. Crouching down beside her chair and studying closely to make sure she was breathing.

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 15:28

“The boots are very well worn… is this something you wish for too, Hawk?” Ruairi asked as he embraced Kael back briefly, turning to his commander.

“One cannot remain the same forever. It is time for change, for all.”

“Mm? Oh…” Isolde groaned in discomfort as she woke at Aodhän’s touch. Quickly moving to relieve the stiffness. “What is it?” She asked groggily, eyes barely able to open as she looked around.

“All will be well, we shall see to it.”

“Your rooms are ready. For now you are in the same quarters due to the short notice. We will ensure that you each have your own space when the rooms can be prepared for you.” Daphne announced as she entered the rooms once more. “Your things have been taken up there, your ladies arranging it all. Food will be sent up shortly.”


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 15:37

"New adventures for us all," Kael grinned. "I wouldn't want any other men in charge of safety of my family, my children, my people. You're both long overdue a reward for all you have done, especially in my life time."

"You fell asleep." Aodhän breathed the relief, taking a tissue from her desk and using it to wipe up the ink that had begun to stain the desk. "You slept like you were dead last night. You are still tired?"

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 15:44

“I fell - “ Isolde looked around as she blinked with confusion. “I do not recall falling asleep… I was with Lord Waterhouse…”

“This is reward enough Sir I assure you. Thank you.”


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 15:56

"I should hope you fell asleep and it wasn't anything..." Aodhän swallowed back his concern, the anger that bubbled up. Taking her face in his hands and checking her over for any signs of injury. "How do you feel?"

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 16:02

“I’m well, Kael. I am okay.” Isolde assured as she rested her hands over his. “Just… exhausted clearly.”


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 16:59

"I dont trust Lord Waterhouse, I am going to call Aoife to our rooms so she can check you for signs of poisoning. Especially with Rohan Razi within these walls." Aodhän swallowed, leaning in to touch his forehead to hers. "No more work for you today."

"I hope it makes things easier for you both. A father with a Lordship will give Sullivan enough of a boost to be able to breeze across those that sully his wolf side and the position of Captain," he directed at Rauiri then "The money of it, enough to help you and Avani with whatever lies ahead."

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 17:01

"Food is being sent up? Are we unwelcome to eat at a table with your new family?" Agatha frowned.

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 17:04

“I am fine, I assure you.” Isolde closed her eyes at his touch, “Razi wouldn’t dare, and he has been nowhere near me.”

“I will do my best to ensure everything goes as well as it always has, Sir.”

“You have arrived after lunch and many hours before the evening meal, I did not want you to starve in between.”


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 17:16

"The twins are the brains, known for their poison. They despise our son and who is one of the people our son loves the most? You. I am using husband privilege here, this is not a Prince Consort order to a Queen. Aoife will be checking you, it is unlike you."

"Oh, very well then. That is thoughtful." Agatha grimaced. "Sorry, you are hard to keep up with at the moment Daphne."

"And with that, I am done for the day." Kael hummed contently. "If we push for anymore happiness then we may trip up somewhere. I think the ancestors have been generous enough."

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 17:25

“Just get out.” Daphne muttered then, gesturing to the door. “There are guards waiting to escort you, I’ll send word later if I feel up to repeating this whole ordeal. I hope you find your rooms comfortable.”

“And Aoife will tell me to rest, it is not worth a visit. But if you insist.” Isolde used his hand to help herself stand, clinging onto him tightly.

“As have you. Thank you once again, Sir.” Ruairi bowed before taking his leave.

“The news will sink in soon for him I am sure.”


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 17:35

"As it will for you, assure Sullivan I will spend time with him soon. As soon as the meetings Begin to calm down, as soon as I can breathe. I have missed him."

Aoife wrapped his free arm around her shoulders to support her weight, squeezing her hand tightly.

"Very well." Agatha frowned, lifting Zenovia up with her as she got to her feet. "Sorry for disturbing you earlier than we were meant to, apologies further for having the audacity to ensure you are safe."

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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Thu 5 Sep - 17:40

“Apologies for no longer being a meek whisper of a girl. For being so loved by my new family that I have discovered who I truly am without all the stifling rules father imposed.”

“I am sure after a good nights rest and some sleep when we meet again we will see eye to eye.” Iskra bowed at her sister before leaving the room.

“I am not glass, I am okay.” Isolde assured. “Shall we return to our rooms, have some tea brought?”

“I will do, he’ll be pleased.”


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Hope Falls - Page 6 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Thu 5 Sep - 17:45

"New family..." Agatha echoed, eyes darting towards the floor with a wounded expression. Following behind Iskra without acknowledging Daphne again.

"It is unlike you to fall asleep at your desk, never mind in the middle of a meeting. I am concerned, and the closer you are to my side the less the ink stain on your dress is visible."

"Enjoy the rest of your day. We'll discuss what all these changes mean in due course."

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