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Hope Falls

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 22:26

“Mm, of course there were more of us… but a lot died before I was crowned. And those that were alive when I was crowned… only your grandfather - your mother’s father, supported me. He didn’t want the crown, but everyone was backing him for it.”

“I’m to be your wife, and there will be times when speaking another language is exhausting to you. If I know yours it can ease the burden.”

“I know they are the same age, as twins, but whichever is the eldest - even if by minutes, should be matched with Iskra. She will take it very personally if her younger sister is married off to someone higher in line for succession - than her husband, even if the chance of inheriting is minute. She holds grudges easily.”


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 22:31

"That makes it easier than. Kiaan is the baby, Rohan is older by four minutes. The worst four minutes of my mothers life, we heard." Ishaan chuckled.

"My brain is like several scrolls going at once, translation is easy. Yours is not the only language I know." He grinned, though pressed his lips to her forehead. "I appreciate the thought."

"And all your siblings, never had children? There will no one coming through the cracks when you are gone making claims that are legitimate?"

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 22:40

“Everyone is dead now or descended through the female line. There are several cousins that merely disappeared. Some I know for certain have renounced their royalty and are living in mountain villages or as wealthy merchants in cities. Some probably went abroad, Ive had reports of one or two in the East. But none stood to inherent before me anyway… Most of my family are dead, I know as of the last decade or so there are a handful alive, another handful are mysteries neither alive nor dead from what I can confirm. All those closest to me are gone… Your mother, Eabhá, both gone to the wasting. Daegan who flung himself from a cliff when Eabhá died…” Isolde recalled sadly. “He died when she did, mentally. Shut down completely. I wasn’t surprised when they came to me and told me he’d done it.”

“Iskra with Rohan then, Agatha with Kiaan.”

“You are not wanting to bother teaching me, because you do not intend for this to be a long marriage?” Lily asked quietly.


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 22:51

"I - I'm sorry." Kael whispered, lowering his gaze to watch the floor. "I understand it's not something you want to be discussing, all of it the conversations would have happened by now if you did but if you're going to - If I am to navigate this without you then I need to know what may come out of the woodwork when you are gone and I am seen as a target. Your name protects me, I know that."

"Rohan is keen on your healer, Lily but he won't be stupid he'll know it was just someone to oogle. Kiaan, I hope he will be pleased. My father-in-law wishes for him to marry my wife's youngest sister and she is far too young."

"It is an intimate thing for me, my culture, my language." Rohan answered, reaching his hand up to rub his nose anxiously. "I don't know if you want to take that step."

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 23:00

“Kael, you are legitimate in your claim. I had no heir, you were my closest living relative. You are crowned, anointed, and the ancestors have legitimised you completely. My father could rise from the grave and he would not have a claim.” Isolde assured. “I’ll discuss anything you wish, my boy, but you’re my blood. We share ancestors.”

“I’m going to ask you something… and then I think it’s best if you take the some time to consider it before you answer me. Even if you need to leave, and answer me tonight.” Lily looked up at him for a quiet moment. “Is this a means to an end for you, this marriage? Once all danger of you being married off has passed, are you wanting to end it and move on with your life? Or… despite why it has come about, do you want to try and make this work, as a true marriage?” She asked, “I understand if it’s the former, if you’d rather be married to someone highborn so your children will be of better stock and you’d rather we just be friends who had an arrangement, I won’t be offended…”

“Lily? Lily isn’t too keen on men, she is much like Aoife.” Daphne laughed softly, “The both of them are unimpressed with all who have tried.”


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 23:07

Ishaan raised an eyebrow at her, doubt strewn across his face despite the nod of acceptance that he gave. Focus gojmg elsewhere instead, "Aoife is an interesting character, with our new found alliance, if she has any time to spend across the oceans we would welcome her and we can give you one of our healers. Sharing knowledge is vital, it'll make us all stronger."

"I need to know everything, even the hard bits. I need to be able to disprove anything that comes, with - with paperwork and evidence too, if there is any."

"You are wanting me to be honest first." Rohan mumbled, "I feel I have made it clear that I have an interest in you, that I care. I have been following your lead, I - I want to continue that way. You tell me what you want first, then my position can not be used against me."

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 23:14

“The only person who would be able to usurp you is Mor. As she is my child by birth and you are not. But I claimed you as my ward when your mother died, I named you my heir, I adopted you into my line. If something goes horrifically, horribly wrong in the future between you or your sister, she may be able to raise her claim. But I do not think something like that could ever happen.”

“She is a free agent to travel as she wishes, but I think Kael may try all he could to keep her here.” Daphne warned with a soft laugh.

“I do not know what future I have. You and Aoife will take it personally, but I do not think I will come out of Isolde dying… I am not an optimist, I cannot pretend otherwise. The scars I will bare on my wrists once these bandages come off will attest to that. But whatever future I do have, be it months or years before that happens… I think I’d like to spend it with you, Rohan Razi.”


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 23:19

Rohan let out a slow breath, a small nod of acceptance and a returned, "I would quite like to spend it with you too." Leaning in, moments later to kiss her deeply.

"You are warm toward him," Ishaan noted without menace. "That is good. It makes a marriage easier. Zoya and I were friends before we wed, though I don't love her romantically, I know I could have been in a much worse position. Her, too."

"Mor and I ever fighting? No... impossible."

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 23:24

“I do love my husband, deeply. It’s unfortunate you and your wife cannot share that.. But perhaps it will change in time. I cannot pretend it is always easy, but we love one another. A lot has happened recently, it has tested us, but a good marriage can withstand tests I believe.”

“I’m not worried about your claim at all, the only person you have to fear is Mor, and she wouldn’t rise against you. You are Ancestor chosen. You said your Fiadh told you all would be well… I have no doubts it will be.”

Lily kissed Rohan back deeply, resting her hands on his face as she leaned into the kiss.


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 23:29

"There are many forms of love, romantic love is not something my wife and I share, or ever will. She is more like a sister to me, and I am aware of who she'd sell her soul to be married to instead of me. All of which I've told her I'd allow, but, they won't." Ishaan shrugged. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Father raised Arzen to be heartless so he could cope with it, I was not given so many lessons on it and I think it shows. If you love your husband then keep on speaking, keep on communicating. Don't let it go; despite it being all around, love is rare."

Kael just nodded subtly, whispering, "I am trying to be smart, that's all."

Rohan let his eyes fall close, more gentle than before as his hand rested on the small of her back.

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 23:35

“I know how lucky I am, that Kael and I share such a bond. I expected to be with someone disinterested at best, like my father at worst.” Daphne nodded, “He has only just taken the crown, his mother is dying, I have not long since had a child, he bickers with my sifters… all are very hard things to deal with on their own, never mind all together. We will get through, I know we will.”

“You’re incredibly smart. Always have been. If I thought you incapable for the job I’d not have given you the crown. I believe in you.” Isolde assured, taking his hands and giving them a squeeze. “I know you will be just fine without me.”

“I do not think Aoife will be back for a while, she’s attending to her own business now she is free.” Lily murmured in between kisses.


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 23:41

"You keep saying that, this mysterious business she has," He chuckled against her lips. "Who is she fucking? It has to be that. Fucking or plotting a coupe are the only logical answers."

"Fine? I - " Kael swallowed, shaking his head. "I don't know about fine. I will cope, I will do a good job. The rest.. we will see."

"Spend time away from it, mentally." Ishaan advised quietly. "When the door is closed on an evening, do not speak on things that cause you to fight. Do not speak about politics, or work or frayed relations. Focus on your daughter, focus on your feelings for one another. You will need that solice to get through having a crown on your heads, and you will need that solice so you don't tear each other apart."

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 23:47

“I’m sworn to secrecy, and I’ll uphold that.” Lily moved a hand into his hair. “I’d rather not think about who she’s with when I’m focused on who I’m with… who I want to be with.”

“I’d give anything for this not to be happening to you again. I’m sorry, Kael. It’s truly unfair.”

“We will be fine, just a few hiccoughs. I imagine once my sisters are married and content with their husbands the tension between them and Kael will ease.”


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 23:52

"I hope that is the case, mm." Ishaan nodded. "I know you may disbelieve me, with who my sister is but... settled household are vital for everyone's wellbeing. Especially newborns."

"I am not a child this time, losing a parent. I am well versed in losing loved ones, as is everyone around my age." Kael took in a breath. "Don't worry about me, please."

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 23:58

“Mm, I must say I misjudged you. I thought with your sister being as interested in my husband as she is that you’d be advocating for me to just leave him and the struggles we have behind me - so she can have him.”

“You are my child. And I will worry about you and your sisters until I’m gone.”


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Yesterday at 0:07

"Indira doesn't want Kael happy, and she is aware that you make him happy in ways she never can since... everything that occurred. She is selfless like that, she has taken the time to understand him as i' sure you have." Ishaan whispered. "I just want everything to be peaceful. I don't want this place to make me think of war, or my brothers head being thrown at me from a throne, or my sisters imprisonment. The past decade has aged me more than a decade ever should, I am.. tired, Queen Daphne. I want my siblings happy, I want my people happy and thriving too. That is all I wish for."

"I would rather you didn't when I am trying to be brave, it makes it more difficult."

"Mm." Rohan breathed against her lips, his own hand moving to walk fingers slowly up her leg, towards her inner thigh.

"I don't believe there is much more to be done," Aoife whispered with a contented sigh, settled sat on her knees beside Wyatt as she worked into the muscle in the back of his shoulders to loosen the knots. "Sometimes you can teach a person to fish and they still end up starving when it comes to it. Leave the man to it, you have moved on to better things. I know you care for Cavanaugh more than you let on but he has always been easily distracted."

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Yesterday at 0:14

“When it is just you and me, you don’t need to be brave. I’m still your mother.”

Lily grinned against his lips, shivering reflexively under his touch.

“I hope you can achieve that, all of it. You seem like a good man, a good King.” Daphne nodded earnestly. “I think you can achieve all of that.”

“He is still under me. If he screws up then it’s still on me. I need to make sure he’s doing his job.” Wyatt groaned as he felt the tension leave his muscles.


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Yesterday at 0:22

"I relaxed the muscles of a crippled woman two years ago and she was less stiff than you. You need to learn to let people make their own mistakes. I think you done well in showing Kael he can't trust his parents, I don't think Kael will blame you for Rauiri's - mate behaviour." Aoife chuckled, leaning down to whisper in his ear, "You have managed this long with maybe only two wrinkles, best not tempt the ancestors to add another."

"I appreciate that," Ishaan grinned, genuinely then. The compliment making himself hold himself taller, make his smile brighter and eyes lighter. "I believe you are already doing an excellent job as Queen."

"Still the no saplings rule?" Rohan asked breathlessly.

"I do, if I want to stay put together."

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Yesterday at 0:28

“I am sure that is from excessive frowning, I’ve already been warned about that by Kael.” Wyatt rolled his eyes, though it was clear he found it numerous. Turning his head to catch Aoife’s lips with his own.

“As long as this entire marriage proposal isn’t solely to sleep with me, then that rule has gone out of the window.” Lily chuckled, pulling him closer.

“I haven’t done much, I have spent most of it with Rhea attached to me… I actually do not think I have done anything in official capacity as Queen yet, now I think of it. Other than birth an heir and now arranging my sisters marriage.”

“You are free to break around me… if you need to, son.”


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Yesterday at 0:35

"The work of a Queen begins before she is a Queen. It began the moment you met him, the seeds you may have planted and the way you have nurtured them." His smile faded, "It sounds convulted but I mean it in the best way, I swear. Just do not diminish the small things you do. A butterfly flapping it's wings changes the world."

"No. I have broken once... time to stop now. Time to.. deal with it." Kael shook his head. "I am fine, mother. I - I'll be fine."

"We can wait until we bring in a religious advocate of your choosing, any, I don't care. I don't mind waiting if you need to wait." He assured breathlessly.

"Do not start this again," Aoife breathed, eyes closing. "We haven't even dressed from the last time. Your mate will grow suspicious if your work muscle therapy goes on much longer."

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Yesterday at 0:44

Isolde wrapped her arms around him once more, holding him as close as she could. “I love you, Kael. I say this now, before my mind fades. But I love you. I have never regretted any choice making you my heir, raising you as my own. It has been an honour, being your mother. For over a decade you were my only joy, and as much as I adore your sisters I am so glad we got time together with just us. I will treasure those memories for as long as I have them.”

“No. I trust you. I want this, I want you.”

“She doesn’t suspect anything.” Wyatt assured as he pulled away, a guilty look on his face as he did so. “You are right…”

“Thank you, I have been feeling somewhat… neglectful, of late. I know I have just had a child but I do not feel I have done enough to help Kael with his duties.”


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Yesterday at 0:52

"You will get nightmares, if we do it again. They will come back like they did before, you remember them, mm? I - I am sure you still have them but you can stop yourself reacting now." Aoife whispered, resting her hand against his cheek. "I want you, I do not want to cause you pain though."

Ishaan stretched a hand out across the table and squeezed her hand. "We are not enemies, Daphne. I can support you, and my sister, equally."

"You want me? You are sure?"

Kael closed his eyes at the embrace, whispering, "I love you too. You know that, I hope. I hope I don't have to say it."

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Yesterday at 0:58

“It is Florence we are hurting, or will be hurting when she finds out…”

“I do,” Lily nodded enthusiastically, moving her hands to tangle in his hair as she kissed him hungrily.

“Of course I do. You may be twice my height now but you were once a tiny little boy who would sneak into my bed and refused to sleep until I’d told him his favourite story.” Isolde laughed, “I’ll treasure things like that.”

“Thank you. It’s nice to have someone on my side who isn’t so… aggressive about caring for me. If that makes sense.” Daphne laughed weakly.


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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Yesterday at 1:05

"There is nothing quite like siblings affection. Indira has given me several lectures whilst I have been here that I should explore options for another lover, because i am already aware that Zoya wouldn't care either way. Her persistence is irritating, but she means well."

"Things were simpler then, not easier, never easier but.. simpler, yes." Kael whispered. ""I am tired of feeling like my life is being lived in a dazed, tired of having to think moment by moment. The first day I lost my breath, and the valkyrie helped me through it. Nothing has felt the same since."

"If," Aoife corrected gently. "Do you believe she loves you, truly, to have not noticed?"

Rohan kissed her back, hunger matching as they faded to black

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Hope Falls - Page 21 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Yesterday at 1:10

“What can I do to help, Kael? What can I do?”

“They do not quite understand what it is we deal with do they? That what they believe is best isn’t necessarily what we want.”

“Of course she loves me. That was never in question.”



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