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Hope Falls

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 16 Sep - 20:51

“The search for Daegan was called off because his body was likely already eaten or swept so far out we’d never find it. His clothes and his sword was found at the top of that cliff, and jewellery on the rocks below. He jumped, he died… I do not think Isolde would have been able to stomach the sight of his body even if we found it, it would’ve been mangled.”

“They are already coronated! The day is still theirs!”

“I know they do it in other countries… but ours has never been one of them. I’m sorry your father engaged in such barbaric practices. Whether you believe it was worse for my brother it must have been immeasurable for you. I am glad you won’t suffer it again.”

“We will be ready and waiting when she arrives, she won’t get past us again, Kael.”


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 16 Sep - 21:05

"I had a soft spot for him, particularly." Aoife whispered, failing to disguise the grief in her voice. "He was one of them, but the amount of time the three of us spent together was unlike any of the time any of them have spent with us since. Apart from you, with our new King, of course."

"Her cruelty is not yours to grovel for," Karina assured gently, pushing herself to the edge of her seat so she could reach forward to take the Queen's hands and squeeze them tightly. "All I ask is that you don't allow your sisters to pressure you, don't allow them to make you feel bad for finally finding your happy median. You have made such progress, you have found your light. Don't let them diminish it."

"You can tell your colleagues, you can tell whoever you wish but we are not making a big announcement of it."

"We all do things for duty."

"We should start preparing early." Kael hummed. "Fiadh warned me she will return for a reason. Before you both leave we shall call a meeting, Hawk to attend too of course. If we get talks at the least commencing, so we stay ahead. I have no intention of losing mass numbers."

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 16 Sep - 21:19

“Kael reminds me a lot of him. Only without the expectation of ever taking the throne Daegan was lighter in his nature. But the way he was loved by the people is akin to the way Kael is loved - Prince of the City. But the Daegan we knew died the moment Éabha did. He would’ve made a good King before - but even if he had been alive when Llyr died and the throne was free he would’ve been in no fit state to take it.”

“I want Kael there at the child’s birth, and his ancestors have assured him it will go well but… The only birth my father attended, my sister died in the cradle when she was three months old. I know what I want but I believe with that… I believe my sisters are just terrified of another death. As am I - “ Daphne admitted quietly. “But for the rest… I like wearing my hair down, I have less headaches here than I do at home because it is not always braided right to my head. And the clothes made with shorter hems or neckline are beautiful, even if less modest… I enjoy sleeping next to Kael most nights, and I truly do not see why I should be hidden when pregnant… It is different from what we were taught but not in a bad way, not to me…”

“Our babe deserves a party of its own when it is born then, if we cannot use this one here to announce.”

“I hope one day your time of duty will come to an end, and you can do things because you want to.”

“I can tell Conan to join us too, of course. As much as I am his right hand - he is still King. I am not on your level.” Lucian reminded with a laugh.


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 16 Sep - 21:34

"Conan, mm." Kael hummed his agreement. "I have seen him here in the crowd, I know he is present aswell. I am also aware he is good in a war, he has the experience and he fights on the front line with his people. I never meant to imply I would exclude him."

"You would just like to," Magnus added light-heartedly, grinning playfully.

"I think even when it comes, even when it happens, Ayaz will not be interested in pursing anything. He sees me as an impossibility now. Ishaan encourages him, has been open that he would keep it quiet and that there would be no offence but..." She shook her head.

"Of course they will, the baby will have the biggest party." Avani leant in, brushing her lips against his. "You are going to be a wonderful father, I am confident of that already."

"Child birth is scary, and tiring. It is when you are at your most vulnerable, so it is when you need the people around you that make you feel the most safe. If it is Kael then, allow him to be there. Superstition means nothing when you are pushing a small person out of your body."

"A damaged soul," Aoife agreed quietly. "He pushed everyone away. I spent time with him, two nights before he went missing when the storm was only just on the horizon. He had his knees to his chest and was watching the horizon. When I spoke to him he didn't speak back, so we just.. sat there. Not touching, not speaking. It was haunting."

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 16 Sep - 21:40

“I know the bond between twins is strong, but I think what they had transgressed the usual closeness. He was a good man, even if not the King he would’ve been a strong advisor to Isolde, a shoulder for both her and Nerissa. It just wasn’t meant to be…”

“The Crown and the army is his for now, until little Malachi has many many more years under his belt. Though I can start bringing the little Prince to meetings too if you want a head start with friendship on the future King.” Lucian chuckled.

“Hopefully I can have all of them with me. But if it comes down to it and they do not get on I - I will choose Kael.” Daphne nodded with certainty, squeezing Karina’s hand. “Thank you, for letting me air out my concerns neutrally. Listening to me and not demonising either my sisters or Kael…”

“Ayaz is a brave man in battle but your father scares the best of us. Maybe when your father retires from life at court and is no longer at the Palace he will feel safer to be with you. When you have the children you are willing to have with Ishaan and there won’t be uncertainty around parentage.”

“This is wonderful news Avani. Incredible news.” Ruairi grinned as he kissed her back deeply.


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 16 Sep - 21:54

"I think we will spare the baby the grizzly reality of war, however Queen Liara obviously is more than welcomed to the meeting too. She is a formidable force, and very highly thought of amongst my own people after how she helped us get out of the hold that Arzen had upon us." Kael hummed. "It will be our first official meeting, about official things. Be kind to me during it, it will be weight I am still learning to be used to."

"We shall make sure you leave crying."

"There are... plenty of things that we once believed were meant to be that weren't in the end." Aoife answered lightly, a subtle shift of her body wait so her shoulder hit against his. "The ancestors have their reasons for everything, blessings and curses and the like. Who are we to question them."

"Family is complicated," Karina whispered. "Thea is my sister in all but blood but she hates my husband, my late husband hated my current husband and vice versa. My son is an absolute enigma to me, the sweet boy who once came to only me for comfort and got excited over birds in nests who for years glared at me for even saying his name and is now... literally an ocean away. My daughter, who is talented and social and enigmatic but oh so stupid, oh so skilled in getting herself into situations that make her vulnerable. My husband, who is the braves, most resilient man I have met but who has broken down in my arms so often I have lost count in the past year. Family is complicated, life is complicated. I never wish for you to feel alone in anything, Daphne. I am only a letter away, a weeks travel. Our husbands are bonded, we are too."

"We will be different people by then, we already are." Zoya smiled sadly. "His abhorrent attempts to put me off him, to ignore me. The words he has said to hurt me so I stay away. It doesn't matter how much I rationally know he is trying to protect me, it all still hurts."

Avani moved her hand up, fingers tangling in her hair as she pressed herself against him.

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 16 Sep - 22:05

“Is anyone going to notice if we slip off back to our bedroom?” Ruairi asked as his arms tightened around her.

“He fears for his life, for yours… There is no way out of this that doesn’t hurt you both. I am sorry your story ended this way with him… We are both doomed to love men we can never truly have the way we want, aren’t we? A sad thing to be bound by.”

“Maybe not proper tears but at least some silent ones.” Lucian chuckled, patting Kael’s arm. “I am sure Liara will take up the offer, she grows in confidence by Conans side daily.”

“I question them daily, they’re bastards sometimes.” Wyatt pointed out with a snort. “Unfair bastards at that; they may know all but they don’t need to be so cruel about it sometimes.”

“Thank you, Lady Karina. I truly treasure you and your advice since the first time we met. It was invaluable whilst I was alone without my sisters here, and their presence cannot replace that.”


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 16 Sep - 22:20

"They have granted you a child, a miracle boy." Aoife mused, lifting her chin up at Sullivan's laughter lilted above the crowd as he walked back into the room with his mother. "A very hyper active child, but very pure. He's a credit to you."

"No Lady, no titles, not when it is just us." Karina smiled warmly, "Thea may be planning to leave soon, but Lucian and I are in no rush to get back home. If the baby wants to arrive whilst I am here, I will also be right here for you if you wish me to be. Waiting just outside the door to congratulate you if not."

"I never would have thought her as under confident to begin with," Kael raised a curious eyebrow. "I have been wrong?"

"A sad tale," Zoya grimaced. "You can change it though, you have your pick here if you want it. If you want, if it happens. I imagine Kael would be estatic for you too, your siblings. I would be too. You are free now."

"You are important now, my love. They will most definitely notice."

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 16 Sep - 22:27

“Perhaps when my son is older, if Kael is done with me by then and my heart has healed. But I will take him whilst I can have him, and then I imagine the sight of men will make me angry once he is done.” Indira laughed without humour. “I am glad though, for the freedom of it all. I knew he would do it, set me free. But to know the shackles are off, that I am no longer to be followed and guarded and reported in. That my letters will no longer be screened before I receive them… I feel lighter.”

“They say any day now, any day. I prayed to my Gods not today, to allow today to pass. And it has, with only a few twinges from my little one. Any time from now is good, hopefully not too long.”

“Not having a child made her weary, I think. To know the people believed there was something wrong with her, when it was just the situation. She felt a failure, having given the King no heir, even though Conan wouldn’t bed her to do so. But now Malachi is here and she knows people no longer see her as a barren disappointment, she has begun to shine.”

“Oh maybe I shall have to resign if it stops me from sweeping you off to have my way!”

“They have, but they have given him a bounty of challenges he must face - ones I cannot help him with as I am no wolf. Cruel to put such weight on a little boy.”


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 16 Sep - 22:42

"That word... disappointment." Kael shook his head, "Daphne uses that word a lot, too often. I dislike it. She is sure the sapling she carries is a boy, she says that it must be a boy or else she has failed and she is a disappointment. All I care is that the child is healthy, that they cry as they enter the world and settle, healthy and happy. I just humour her now, when she calls them our son. We just repeat our conversations otherwise."

"Her upbringing, the challenges it brings." Magnus grimaced.

"Then I will most certainly guarantee I will be here for you. I have nothing to rush home for."

"Florence is a wolf though, she will be able to guide him through the parts that you can not and vice versa. Won't she?" Aoife lifted her hand to brush her thumb against his shoulder. "I'm sure the woman has more bite to her then she shows to the rest of the court, or else you wouldn't have been attracted to her. You don't like frail women."

"You won't do anything of the sort!" Avani laughed. "This is the recognition you deserve, you are not throwing it away for me."

"I am glad! I am and I..." Zoya looked towards the band that played, eyes lighting up at the tune. "This sounds familiar, this sounds like something from home. Shall we dance?"

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 16 Sep - 22:50

“I’d throw away it all for you and the boys Avani, and our child. You may never ask me to, but if you did I would.”

“From what I recall your mother had the law changed when she became Queen so that the firstborn child inherits equally whether it is a son or daughter? So even if this child is the only one you have, and it is a girl, she will still be your heir within the laws of your country? It is not like where she was raised, in that women cannot inherit at all. Or like here before Isolde changed where women could only inherit if all the male lines had been exhausted… I do not understand her insistence for a boy.” Lucian frowned in confusion. “I have a daughter, she is my pride and joy, as is your Zaria,, Magnus. Conans Aesira. Kael - your mother’s own girls. All loved.”

“Someone neutral in the feud between my husband and my sisters would be incredibly helpful, thank you Karina.”

“Let me find Rohan, to take Idris? He enjoys spending time with him, and then I am yours for the night?”

“She can help with his wolf part mm, as I can help with his fae part. But neither of us can help him navigate the fact he is half an half, and what that means specifically for him.”


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 16 Sep - 23:01

"All things I have pointed out to her, and all things she accepts. She is happy, she is reassured that I would love a daughter as much as I would a son, and she knows that it would not change how I or the court think or feel but it is a personal thing. Part of her still wishes to please her parents, her kingdom and Uncle. She just... is struggling to get over that barrier, and now her sisters are here I feel like every reassurance I have made her is being unravelled." Kael sipped his drink, and leant back. "They hate me, utterly hate me. Everything I do is offensive to them. They are getting in her head, too... we have been fighting more often then before. When it is just us, and we aren't speaking of them it is bliss but it is a quick spiral."

"All I want is you, and our family, and happiness." Avani hummed, breath hot against his lips. "All I want is for you to get all the credit that you deserve. My solider man from his little village in the middle of no where, changing the whole world. Showing everyone what I have seen in him for so long."

"Neutral? No, no not neutral. Someone to speak for you, when it is too tiring or hard. I want to be there to be your voice."

"You don't know what it means for him yet, no one does. The two of you won't be alone in it though, you have Lily and I. Our King adores the boy too, which is... that is an incredible leg up in the world. The support is there, Wyatt."

"Yes! Yes, lets remove the child. Lets drink."

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 16 Sep - 23:10

“Your wife’s sister hates you? Oh I cannot relate.” Lucian snorted with a cheeky glance at Magnus. “Although I do know Thea would never stoop so low as to manipulate another woman in such a vulnerable state. I know you agreed to help them marry as part of your marriage to Daphne, but surely you can have them removed, house elsewhere so they do not keep infecting Daphne’s mind?”

“An advocate…” Daphne nodded, “It seems I am in your debt for a lot today.” She added with a soft laugh.

“Here…” Indira murmured as she took her son from Zoya. “Find us some drinks whilst I find my brother and I shall return shortly.” She grinned before glancing over the crowds to spot Rohan.

“I just worry it will not be enough…” Wyatt admitted before shaking his head, “Enough talk of all that though.”

“I am not changing the world, though you have changed mine most spectacularly.”


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 16 Sep - 23:23

"No debts. Only friendship. It is important that we all look after one another when we are so close or actively one of the most important members of court. All us women have at the end of the day really is each other, the men don't get it like we do."

"Thea would absolutely stoop so low, you know I adore my wife to pieces but she is..." Magnus laughed, shaking his head. "She is a fierce woman who always gets her way, and more importantly almost always deserves to get it."

"Could you imagine what the reaction would be if I asked for them to leave? It would play right into their hands, they would use it as evidence that they would right. I just need to hope that they see they are wrong soon, I just need to hope they will not - " He took in a breath. "They are trying to prevent me from seeing my own child from being born. It is a bad omen in their culture, and Daphne wants me there but she is scared, so scared."

Rohan stood not far away from the bar, several empty champagne glasses already close to him as he watched the crowd closely. Ensuring the staff constantly refreshed his glass.

"Enough talk indeed." Aoife took a step backwards, offering his her hand as a new song began to play. "Before your new title entirely puts me off ever socialising with you again. Will you entertain me for a dance. Let us pretend you are merely a Private again, me nearly an acolyte and we have snuck into a party."

"You have changed everything in mine," Avani whispered

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 16 Sep - 23:30

“She’s not clutching your balls right now Magnus, you can say she is spoiled without fear of them being ripped off.” Lucian snorted, frowning at Kael’s words. “Most places they do not need to worry about the men even wanting to be there, the childbed isn’t often a man’s place.” He pointed out, though added; “I missed Kenna’s birth, and the first few weeks of her life too. She likely didn’t do anything but sleep and feed during that time and yet I’d have given a lot to be there anyway. Do not let them take it from you if it is what Daphne also wants.”

“They never will. Men truly never understand anything do they?” Daphne snorted, shaking her head.

“Will Uncle Rohan do me a huge service and watch his favourite nephew?” Indira asked as she approached, brushing her hand through her son’s hair. “I have no idea how long I have with Zoya… I’d like some time with her…”

“There was never any sneaking with my size and your laughter once you have had a few.” Wyatt pointed out with a laugh, though nodded and took her hand. “I’d be honoured to.”


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 16 Sep - 23:41

"You are not allowed to say that too loudly, my girls can't know that I am capable of laughter." Aoife grinned, eyes lighting up as she tried to hold back the same thing. Curling her fingertips around his and squeezing his hand gently as she stepped into the centre of the floor, joining the rows of people and not missing a beat to fall into step.

"We just allow them to believe they do, to make them feel like they can protect us." Karina smiled warmly. "He ran off so quickly with your husband today that I doubt you noticed, but did you see Luca in his kohl? He claims it is to entertain Kael but he is moving with a swagger again. He is beginning to feel confident once more."

"Shut up," Magnus reprimanded, irritation edging his voice despite his attempts to keep it light. Adding to the conversation, "Put your foot down on things like that. The child she carries is yours, and hers, not theirs. They do not get a say. Stick up for yourself, Kael. Do not people please to keep spoilt Princess' happy."

"I - Mm, Daphne wants me there. I know she does."

Rohan downed a full glass, before reaching his hands out towards his nephew. Not unkindly replying, "Between Idris and Avani's boys, I might insist I begin to get paid as the babysitter."

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 16 Sep - 23:49

“Magnus is right. You are King for crying out loud. And her husband, the child’s father. I understand you allowing some things to not upset your wife but this is your household and your family. If there’s a time to be putting your foot down and telling them if they do not like if they can leave it is now.”

“I have a job with wages now, if you truly require payment I can have that arranged.” Indira laughed as she handed her son over. “He is tired, it has been a long day. I am sure he will be easy to cope with.”

“I’d say with how you are speaking that he is wearing such things for you too; and your enjoyment.” Daphne grinned, “You like how he looks mm?”

“You cannot ask me to dance and then expect to keep the facade you are hard faced.”



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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Tue 17 Sep - 0:04

"I like it when he is happy, when he is at ease." Karina agreed quietly. "You have only known him without his ability to walk, you have only known him in his darker times. It is not that I love him any less when he is struggling, I don't want that to be what the takeaway is but no one wants the person they want to feel worthless. I - His crew, his family, told him that he was worth nothing to them without his legs and I had never been so fearful that I had truly lost him. I had never had to hold him so tightly, it was like keeping the shattered parts of him together. He may aswell have been screaming from the agony of it. It was horrible, I would have ripped Lynette's throat with my nails if I didn't need those hands to keep him together."

"No, no. I don't need you throwing your money at me." Rohan chucked, resting his hand on the back of his nephews head to keep him close to his chest. "Go, have a good evening, sister."

"I - " Kael grimaced, lowering his gaze. "You're right. It - it is something I will think on, mm."

"We both know the pain of losing a child, Kael." Magnus whispered, "I do not need to tell you how precious every moment is going to be. Even with a promise from your ancestors that all will be well."

"Hard-faced, people hating tyrant. All compliments to me, all things I have heard in the past two days from them." Aoife laughed as they danced. "We all have facades we act up to."

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Tue 17 Sep - 9:44

“Marriage isn’t bowing to your spouse on everything. At some point there must be compromise from Daphne, especially when she can admit her sisters are being purposefully awful.”

“You are the best, thank you Rohan.” Indira grinned, kissing the top of her son’s head before moving to find Zoya once again.

“I have no facade, how I am seen is how I am.” Wyatt assured, moving his arm to her waist. “I have no energy to pretend.”

“Someone so close to us has the ability to truly ruin us mm? It appears your husbands friend took that as a challenge rather than a warning to be careful with ones words. A shame.”


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Tue 17 Sep - 9:57

"I have never been her fan, but I don't doubt she loves him. She is simply damaged, and hard love is something they have always used on him. With the things Kael has suffered through, I imagine you understand that hard love is the opposite thing someone who is normally so cheerfully charismatic needs."

Aoife raised an eyebrow, taking his free hand with one of hers, the other resting on his bicep. "Facades are part of life. You have many sides, the father is different to the mate, who is different to the Captain - now Lord - and who is different to the friend. Those are normal things, your not the same person with everyone."

Rohan watched her go with a breath, before stepping out of the room. Taking a short stroll down one of the staffs halls and stepping out into a quieter corner of the gardens where Idris wouldn't be roused by the noise.

"I have found comfort with Indira throughout itm
." He confessed guiltily. "It is horrible, isn't it? Awful of me that now I can no longer truthfully deny their accusations."

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Tue 17 Sep - 10:08

“You have - oh.” Lucian nodded, taking a moment to process what that meant. “Your circumstances are different to Magnus and I. I couldn’t advocate for a mistress, in any circumstance like ours; where we married for love, a choice we made. I know you do love Daphne but you had to pick someone mm? It is lucky that she was amenable enough for you to fall in love with.” He moved to rest his elbows on his knees. “Whether you not you plan on continuing this you cannot say anything now, not when she is so close to giving birth. Do you plan on keeping Indira as a mistress? You say you have found comfort. Is it the same comfort you’d have found with any woman, or is it bedside it is her specifically, with the history you have?” He added, barely giving room for Magnus to speak as he knew the outright disapproval his friend would push.

“It is not something I intentionally adjust, who I am.”

“Kael would crumble under any hard love. He cannot perform it either. I love his little boy, I do. But hard love would be sending the boy away as growing up a bastard at court will eventually give him a complex. Especially when he grows up with true born siblings and sees just how differently he is treated, how his siblings will be titled and landed and in the line of succession, and he is not. But he is incapable of performing it. Hard love would be him and Indira admitting the boy will still be necessary as a political tool, not a wholly free man like they believe. Hard love would also be Kael admitting his sisters are the same…”

“You are not allowed back here young man.” Lily directed at Idris when she caught sight of him near the healers herb garden. Having decided to take herself away from the bustle of the coronation for some quiet.


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Tue 17 Sep - 10:32

"It is too loud in there for him, he is tired. On the edge of needing to be taken to bed and settled entirely." Rohan mused, fingers running through the thick hair atop his nephews head. "His mother wants to spend time partying with her sister-in-law."

"Would you want to do that, if Kael was happy to? Send the little one and his mother away?" Karina asked carefully. "Are there presence really causing such a nuisance?"

"No, nor do I. Only for work, with the girls - Lily gets more of me then the rest."

"I was fine without it, I- Daphne was all I needed when things weren't so volatile." Kael swallowed. "Her sisters though, the constant on slaught they are putting on me makes me feel like I am walking on egg shells and she is too tired to always defend me from them. She echoes their sentiments back to me, on occasion, without meaning. I just don't- I don't know. It is never planned. We just speak, and it turns to... which turns to more talking until we fall asleep. As natural as it is either Daphne, as natural as breathing."

Magnus took in a deep breath, simply giving a shake of his head. Pushing to his feet and wandering to the back of the parlour to get himself another drink.

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Tue 17 Sep - 10:46

“Magnus is not want to hear this, because he chose his wife on love and because I imagine part of him sympathises with Indira as Dagmar was also a famous mistress in his life.” Lucian murmured, falling silent before speaking again a few minutes later. “You’re entitled to a mistress, there’s etiquette in place for it for a reason. But I think you owe both women the etiquette if you are to keep on with it. Dagmar suffered humiliation at court because Conan saw the title as a slight, but until he officially named her his Mistress people just used the word whore - you’re well aware it’s already used for Indira. But your wife also deserves it too. It’s not something she’ll be happy about, of course not - but I am sure even she would admit that she’d prefer to know about it than not. Or to hear about it and not be able to comment because she doesn’t know. The fact it happens so naturally between the two of you means that if you wish this to end she will need to leave. Because it will keep happening, on a cycle. In an alternate reality where Conan did not want to continue a relationship with Dagmar he’d have to send her away when she got back because if he truly wished to focus on Liara she would need to be out of the way. And deep down you know that, you’re far from stupid.” He moved to sit back upright in his seat. “And if Indira falls pregnant again you will be in a harder situation if you haven’t been honest with your wife. Who will be more upset you have only come clean because of a permanent consequence. So… that is my advice, Your Majesty.” He laughed awkwardly. “Not yet, with your wife so close to birth, but you owe her honesty. You owe Indira a title if you keep her, and if you do not you owe your wife the dignity of sending her away so she does not fear it happening again. Advice of course I cannot force you to take but…”

“Bastards raised in court always have whisperings. And I think it will upset Kael as his son grows and he hears the talk about him. He can threaten people all he likes but if a Lord slips up and calls him such he cannot execute everyone for it. I love the little lad, he’s sweet, but I think keeping him here and not preparing him for such unkind words but instead pretending they can be eliminated is unfair.”

“You have taken that one under your wing. She gets more than any ever has from what I have seen.”

“A long day for such a small person. I wonder if one sleeps better at night when their father is King, what do you think?” Lily asked with a soft laugh.


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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Tue 17 Sep - 11:03

"It depends what their father is like," Rohan whispered, sitting down on a small bench nestled into some lavender plants. "Why are you not in there enjoy the festivities, healer? Your boss is."

"There has to be one that gets taken under your wing, you put particular attention on one or two of your men with each new intake. We have to foster brilliance when we see it, nurture it for when the ancestors take us."

"Is he not already hearing such words from your sisters, if they are so traditional?"

"I am tired of thr complications. Complications that I believe wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the scourn from the East also known as my sister-in-laws."

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Hope Falls - Page 25 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Tue 17 Sep - 11:45

“You are King now, decree there to be no complications.” Lucian chuckled, “Own your mistress, tell your wife it is what it is. You made a show of solidarity, and the fact that Ishaan Razi left his own country with his heir and his wife to come here I think is an incredible display of trust. Thea did not even bring her children here. But the man who once waged war against you has decided to trust you with his son’s life. And if the witches from the East pipe up then have them married to Lords who hold lands on the outskirts of your country so you will never see them again, better yet, marry them off to Indira’s single brothers, she has two, how perfect! True solidarity.” He grinned. “Alliances all round.”

“And you think all of that resides in young Lily, mm?”

“He is, I have tried to stop them but… They are firm in their mouths.”

“It is loud; there will be drunken people soon enough that need tending to. Best I do not get drunk so I cannot see to them.”


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