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Hope Falls

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 13 Oct - 22:27

Lily stared up at him with wide eyes, completely bewildered by the proposition. Scanning his face intently to see the hint of any joke.

“Dinner tonight then? I will speak to Kael beforehand to ensure he approves, and then if we hold a family dinner tonight we can betroth them all formally?”

Isolde just shook her head, closing the rest of the distance between them and pulling Kael to her chest as she held him close. “I am so sorry, my boy…”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 13 Oct - 22:40

"Yes, yes." Ishaan nodded, reaching his hand across to shake hers. "This is perfect, and though I understand not everyone will be thrilled they are not sheltered. Everyone knows what is expected of them, and they will all be kind to each other I am sure."

"I - No, no really. I..." He patted his trouser pockets, eyes darting around the room in a panic for something that he could use. Hurrying other the table, dropping several things as he searched through the pastries. Ripping a whole out of the middle of one of the rolls and returning to present it to her, dropping down to one knee. "Lily, Healer, Flower. We find each other in dire circumstances, and although I am not a fool to propose this is being offered to ensure both of us protection. I - I have meant every word I have said to you over the time I have been here. You are talented, you have an outstanding mind and - and I have never met anybody quite like you. Marry me, tonight... Please?"

Kael let a breath, wrapping his arms around her to hug her tightly. "It makes me so, so angry that he has made this about him too. All these people, making it about them when it is about you. What right do any of them have? What right does dad have to make threats to people, what right do these healers have to try and kill themselves, what right does Wyatt have to tell me and - and what right does Daphne have to argue with me over who is more entitled to be my rock - her or Hawk." He shook his head, "They are all making it about them when it is about you."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 13 Oct - 22:45

“I - “ Lily stumbled over her words as she took him in, swallowing after a moment and nodding her acceptance. “Tonight I - yes, yes.” She laughed softly. “You are insane, Rohan Razi.”

“My sisters have sharp tongues but they know how to behave, I am sure they will not only accept the proposition but will be good wives to your brothers.” Daphne offered a smile as she shook Ishaan’s arm in return.

“It is about you, and your sisters. I will do anything and everything I can to ease this for you… I will do all I can, my boy.”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 13 Oct - 22:51

Kael shook his head, swallowing. "I want to be there, when you tell them. Morfydd will need me, Eira - Eira will be okay with you and Aodhan but Morfydd is going to need me I know she will."

Rohan laughed with relief, taking her hand and grimacing when he couldn't get rounded pastry to sit on her finger like a ring would. Disappointment marring his face into a frown as he instead ripped it in half and offered it to her, "I shall get you a temporary ring, one that is not edible and does fit on your finger. I swear it."

"Then all will be well, mm." Ishaan nodded. "My sister, she - she has told me of your mother-in-laws condition. I'm sorry to hear it. I hear it's a horrible illness."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 13 Oct - 22:59

“She will. She will probably need you more for the rest of her life now.” Isolde nodded, swallowing thickly. “You are a good brother, to want to be there for her, to be open to her leaning on you. I do not think Eira will understand.”

Daphne tried to disguise the surprise on her face that Indira knew of Isolde’s condition, simply nodding as she took a sip of her tea. “Yes… the wasting. The disease that claimed most of this land, that almost took my husband, that took his second son… Unfortunately it’s a death sentence - he’s devastated.”

“I do not need a ring…” Lily assured, “Not if this is not for anything other than appearances mm?”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 13 Oct - 23:07

"The ring is part of the appearance, it is a must. I shan't have you walking the halls without a ring."

"Mm, I imagine he is." Ishaan whispered. "It is a difficult thing to take, so soon after a coronation and the birth of a child. Is there any news of it in your communities too, or is Isolde an isolated case?"

"Eira will understand that everyone else is upset, and that will be enough to make her cry." Kael whispered, closing his eyes as he turned his head. Voice muffled from where his face was now hidden against her shoulder, "They'll be fine. I - I'll look after them."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 13 Oct - 23:14

“I will make sure you have someone to look after you too.” Isolde promised, holding her son close. “I - Indira’s bed mm? I cannot say I expected that to happen… But nevertheless it is not a surprise. She is looking after you?”

“As far as I’m aware it is just Isolde - though I do not know if they’ve had anyone go and check for cases. But with how this country is so scared… I’d imagine we’d have heard if it was the case.”

“Nothing too fancy then, I’d feel out of place with anything grand.”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 13 Oct - 23:21

"I am going to be taking her as mistress. I just, I just haven't had the opportunity to speak to Daphne about it yet." Kael swallowed. "She has meltdowns when I can not breath, I am scared of her reaction to this. I can't win with her anymore, even when I do right."

"Something you should know before the people, how wide spread it is." He advised quietly. "You can control any hysteria then, plan. Do tell me you have a plan."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 13 Oct - 23:23

"As you wish, Princess Lily Razi," Rohan grinned, dropping the food he held to pull her in against his chest. Eyes closing with the embrace, "Everything will be okay."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 13 Oct - 23:30

“I am sure we will have one put into place once Kael has had time to come to terms with the news. It is best we approach this with clear heads rather than emotional ones mm?”

“Will you want to divorce me, when Isolde passes?” Lily asked quietly as she leaned into his embrace, closing her eyes. “To find yourself a real wife? To have children with?”

“Taking her as Mistress, giving her the title is the honourable thing to do, to protect her name. It’s good of you to do that.” Isolde nodded, moving a gentle hand to brush through his hair. “As for your wife… I hope the two of you can move past the chasm her sisters have caused between you. Even if just for little Rhea’s sake. I truly do.”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 13 Oct - 23:41

"If they would have been around more before I married her, then I don't believe her and I would have married." He admitted, heartache creeping in. "I am at a lose now. It used to be only when discussing them, or when they were near thay we would fight but now she picks at me over anything and it is like their voice coming from her lips. I can't disagree though, can't tell her the fact because then she accuses me of only allowing her free speech when it is something I want to hear. I - I believe even if I told her she was making me worthless she would rip me apart for it."

"Mm, I suppose it depends on how infuriating you become." Rohan hummed light-heartedly. "I enjoy your company though and we had... fun together. Let's not think further than that."

"You can begin without him, you are Queen and he wants you to be an equal. I recommend you put thought to it."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sun 13 Oct - 23:50

“Send the sisters away. We have houses in the countryside, men have seen their faces and know they exist, if they wish to marry them they will. But in the meantime send them to live comfortably away from you.” Isolde advised, kissing the top of her sons head. “You are King now, my boy. Do something for you.”

“I said I would go no further until I was married, this isn’t you having a silly attempt at that is it?” Lily asked teasingly, knowing it to not be the case.

“Perhaps I will. But my focus right now is my child, and making sure Kael is coping with the news. The rest… the rest are what his council is for.”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sun 13 Oct - 23:58

"I have spoken about so many different things the past few days," Kael whispered tiredly. "Meeting after meeting after conversation and - oh I don't know how you do it all. Even Indira, and her eagerness of her role - we will be laying in bed and she will blurt out an idea. It will be brilliant, astounding but it is every time. Another thing for a list I need to make rather than just keep in my head."

"You are quick, you are. Damn the gods." Rohan shook his head, not releasing his grip as he kissed the top of her head. "Outstanding mind."

"Has he spoken to his council, bar my sister and Lord Hawk? There is no use in a council if they aren't being utilised." Ishaan wrinkled his nose. "I am just trying to help, that is a-"

Zoya sighed her interupption. "I shall let the two of you speak of such things, and busy myself for the day. Thank you again, Queen Daphne. I look forward to us being connected through family."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 0:01

“You have been King for less than a moon, and I will help you until my mind slips fully… Your father and I won’t be moving to the Summer Palace any longer, I do not want to spend my last remaining moments in a place that will not yet feel like home. I will be here to help you as much as I am able.”

“I shall see you soon, Zoya.” Daphne assured as she watched her leave before turning back to Ishaan. “He has found out his mother is dying. I believe he’s allowed some time and grace before facing the world.”

“As your wife… maybe I won’t refuse…”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 0:22

"Daphne doesn't love me anymore, not like she used to." Kael repeated the sentiment quietly. "I realised it, the- the moment I pulled myself together enough to tell her you were dying and she tried to turn it into a way to get rid of Wyatt. Him or me, she told me, 'him or me, if he ever sends me away again'. An ultimatatum, one where the answer would be him though, not her."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 0:24

“If you are choosing your right hand man over your wife… perhaps you did not love her the way you used to, too.” Isolde concluded sadly, “I am sorry, son, that your marriage has not continued to be as happy as it once was. I truly am.”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 0:33

Zoya nodded her head in silent respect as she got to her feet and made her way out of the room.

"He is, yes. You though?" He shook his head. "You are the perfect Caleeri, beneath the efforts you have tried to make to conform. I can see that. Something the King I met all those years ago would have become bored with very quickly, something a Caleeri would know too with the research... so enlighten me, Your Majesty, is the conforming an act to secure your position? Do the bright colours burn your skin?"

"You can't get me excited when we are in your mentors quarters, when we can't do anything. It isn't fair."

"No, no it isn't because I never would have chosen her. Not faced with an ultimatum like it. It is like being asked if you would rather lose an arm or a leg, both are important, both painful." Kael shook his head. "The wife I married would have never threatened to make me choose, she wouldn't have wanted to hurt my like that especially when I was already wounded. I never would have chosen to marry someone capable of that."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 0:42

“What is this?” Daphne frowned at the line of questioning. “What is it you’re trying to say, King Ishaan?”

“She does plenty in here. Lily snorted, shaking her head. “And she is not here right now… Not that I was suggesting anything right now, Prince Rohan. You let your mind wander too quickly.”

“Your marriage is for you and your wife only. If you choose to repair it… that’s your choice. If you think it too broken to do so, also your choice. You have your heir, you have spare rooms enough to do as you please. Do not do anything you do not wish to.”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 0:50

"You began the talk, not me." Rohan laughed, finally stepping back from the embrace and letting his arms drop to his side. "You are eager for more."

"Just trying to see how you are fitting in, nothing more."

"I dont know what I wish." Kael whispered, closing his eyes as he felt the ache in his chest. Adding tightly, "I don't know how I am going to do anything without knowing you are here to speak with."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 0:57

“I fit in perfectly well here, it’s my home now. I know the castle well, the people better, and my husband best.”

“Do not write me out of the narrative just yet, I am still here, and I will fight to be here for as long as I can.” Isolde assured, gently swaying with him. “I am here for now, and I am here for you to talk to until the sun sets and rises again if necessary.”

“You cannot pretend you are not!”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 1:03

"Then that is good news. I am glad to hear it."

"'When - When are you telling Mor and Eira?"

"I have never denied it, I have wanted you from the first moment I laid eyes on you." Rohan grinned.

(( Night night))

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 1:06

“Not yet. I wanted to give you some time to process it all before I threw you in to support your little sisters. At least another week, longer if we can get away with it.”

“And I promised it would never happen.” Lily laughed as she remembered, pulling away and moving to sit down heavily. “Marriage…”

“You sound surprised.”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 11:53

"You may change your mind, if you wish but you will sentence me to a life with a Caleeri woman and I think then I will also be trying to find an escape." Rohan snorted, sitting down beside her with a slow breath. "I care for you, so it will already be worth more."

"Culture is vastly different from one another, when we are neighbours. One from another continent entirely. The culture change was always a worry when Indira came over here, and now with Avani too. Your people like to make their distaste known. Avanj has told me more than one story where vendors gave refused service until her mate appeared at her shoulder."

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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Mon 14 Oct - 14:06

“The journey to people here accepting your countrymen is a long one and is still ongoing… what happened here is hard to forget for them. It’s unfortunate that Avani has been mistreated, and if we see it we do stop it. But the people remember.”

“I cannot lie and say this is how I dreamed my wedding day to be but… it could be worse mm? I am not retracting my yes.”


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Hope Falls - Page 19 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Mon 14 Oct - 15:55

"You did not dream of marrying a forgein Prince as a small girl? That is quite unusual isn't it?" Rohan hummed with an eyebrow raise. "It should be a dream come true for you."

"Kael's dream of acceptance is ambitious, do you think he will achieve it?" Ishaan wrinkled his nose. "I myself have spilled the blood of your people on this soil. I don't ever expect to be truly welcome here."

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