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Hope Falls

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Fri 6 Sep - 21:07

“Oh! Now!” Idris grinned when his father spoke, beginning clap rapidly, only stopping to wave at Ruairi as the guard crossed the room from where he had been stood with his fellow guards, making his way straight to his bride with an excited smile.

“Leave that conversation for another night, your wedding night is for something far more uplifting.” Indira grinned devilishly, beginning to join in with the round of applause.

“Women prevent children every day. It is how whores can keep being whores. If she did not want us and we ruin her lives as such she should’ve drunk some tea and got on with her day.” Rahul snapped then, joining in for only half a dozen claps before returning to his drink.

“I am not surprised Daphne opted out of tonight’s festivities - she knew the utter humiliation she would face. That child is his bastard is he not? And then announcing his Mistress? He cares nothing for respecting Daphne.” Iskra muttered in disgust, clapping her hand once against her glass before shaking her head.

“How full circle that we ended up hosting a wedding with a Baldruunian Princess after all… just not the bride or the groom we expected.” Isolde chuckled, taking his hand once more when he dropped it. “We can be lax with how we present, we are on our way out.” She assured.


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Fri 6 Sep - 21:33

Avani let out a nervous breath, eyes flitting across the faces in the crowd. Lingering on her sons and brother a moment longer than the rest before she stepped ahead of the group. Pace quickening the closer she got to Rauiri, reaching a hand out to touch his face affectionately.

"She looks lovely though, doesn't she?" Rohan mused. "Between your mother and father, it is no wonder you and your brothers are handsome young men. I imagine when you are ready you will be batting women away from you."

"We shall interrogating as soon as people start to mingle." Agatha whispered. "Without her here to defend him it will be interesting to see how he fares. What answers he can give us."

"The ancestors always a plan, I suppose. A crazy, outlandish plan."

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Fri 6 Sep - 21:43

Ruairi quickly tore the veil from her face, wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing his lips to hers in a hungry kiss.

“Why do?” Idris asked curiously as he watched his Aunt and Ruairi, tilting his head.

“Icky, they do because they are icky.” Indira teased as she moved to reach up and gently run her hand down her son’s arm to check on him. “You did very well during the ceremony my little Prince, very quiet. You can have your treats now like your father and I promised, for being such a good boy.”

“A Baldruunian wife of fitting status is whom I will marry. I am a Prince, mother can try and take my father’s estate from me but I am still the grandson of a King, the nephew of one. She cannot take that from me. And I will ensure the boys have fitting marriages too. Uncle Ishaan missed the mark not having you wed for an alliance by now.”

“Let us just hope he does not think he has a say in whom we are to marry. I do not trust him to not pick a man of his own moral deprivation. I will not stand by quietly as she has if I am married to a man who steps out on me.”

“They can keep the craziness and outlandish plans for others. We pray only for peaceful times.” Isolde hummed brightly.


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Fri 6 Sep - 21:52

Avani laughed gleefully against his lips, lifting her free arm up around his neck as she pressed herself into him. Eyes closing as she kissed him back with the same feverish need

"Treats." Kael gasped, "Should we both go and get some? I think I deserve them to, don't you?"

"She hasn't taken it from you permanently, your Incle Kiaan is looking after it until your birthday. It was something I agreed with to, you may be missing home but what you have seen here, experienced will be invaluable."

"Nor will I. Respect is demanded, we aren't going to give up our morals for a man. Not under any circumstances." Agatha scoffed. "Look at them."

"I think we have had enough crazy in our life to have peace for several years at least."

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Fri 6 Sep - 22:06

“You good too.” Idris nodded, eyes lighting up at the mention of treats. “And play with Kesh and Nav?”

“Ten minutes. Remember? We do not run for ten minutes after food, because…”

“My tummy hurt and then sick.”

“Exactly, well done.” Indira praised with a proud nod, taking her son’s hand and kissing it affectionately.

Ruairi groaned almost silently against her lips, pulling her closer for a fraction of a moment before forcing himself to pull away with a sheepish laugh. Taking his wife’s hand and holding it in the air. “Ladies and gentlemen…” he began before turning to face Isolde and Aodhän. “Your highnesses… may I present to you my wife, The Princess Avani of Baldruun. I humbly ask for your blessing as we embark on our new life together.”

“Granted, Sir Cavanaugh. May you be very happy together.” Isolde nodded once, giving the pair a slow nod. “Congratulations.” She added before waving her hand, signalling for the musicians in the corner to go from playing a quiet lulling noise in the background to playing louder up beat tunes to signal the start of the party.

“It’ll help me feed the information back to Lord Mehan so when he decides to crush these ants he will be well prepared.” Rahul nodded, finishing his drink and taking another from the passing serving girl.

“They allow children around the alcohol, how careless.” Iskra glanced around the room as she watched the Sharma boys play with the little Princesses - a small group of other children from staff around the castle also playing with the group. “Daphne was right to keep Via with her tonight. It would have upset her if we had to send her back to her room because of all the drunken idiots there are sure to be.”


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Fri 6 Sep - 22:23

"Lets go," Kael encouraged, placing his son on the floor and allowing him to lead the way through the crowd. "I am right behind you, son. Lead the way to the treats, they are where they always are in this room. You remember where that is?" l

"Crush these ants." Rohan echoed, neutral expression finally breaking into a frown. "You must be careful of what you say in such crowded places, Rahul. This is the wedding of a future Captain of the Household Guard. The guests not in uniform are skilled military men, never mind the ones posted and working. It won't be them who win if someone takes you seriously."

"It will end in tears." Agatha mumbled, "Now is our chance to get to our brother-in-law though. We mustn't waste it by being nosey by gawking at the invalids."

"How did they react when you told them? What did they think?" Avani asked with a nervous laugh, leaning her weight into Rauiri as her gaze fell onto Luc Brennan and his other colleagues. "Were they pleased?"

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Fri 6 Sep - 22:33

“They believed I was jesting at first, they did not believe me. But then once they realised I was very much serious they were pleased… and then began teasing me to say I would not look good wearing a crown as I was marrying into royalty.” Ruairi chuckled, hand brushing against Avani’s cheek. “There is not a single thing that could make me happier than I already am right now. This is incredible.” He hummed, ducking his head to brush his nose against hers with gentle affection. “Not a single thing… I love you Avani Cavanaugh…”

Indira followed behind her son quietly with a peaceful smile. Far back enough to allow Kael the space and time with their boy, but ever close and over protective as she observed.

“Over here!” Idris exclaimed as he ran, weaving his way through the legs of fellow guests as he headed for the food.

“Mm, lead the way. You are younger, he will view you as more of a child and less of a threat. Let him trip himself up as he realises your tongue is sharper than any woman he’s met.” Iskra nodded, setting her glass down.

“I shall have the minders take Eira to bed in an hour, and then Mor in two. I do not want them getting over tired. And I do …” Isolde trailed off as she lost her train of thought.

“Uncle Arzen will be avenged. You all swore it when Uncle Ishaan returned home with his body. His decaying body, as they did not even allow Uncle Ishaan to burn it before shoving them on a boat. You all swore these tree dwellers would pay the price for the disrespect. And I am old enough to help with that now Uncle Rohan. You think I do not see what you are doing? Cozying up to the healer for information? You can entrust me with it. I am on your side.”


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Fri 6 Sep - 22:55

"I don't - " Rohan swallowed. "You were spared the horrors of seeing it so I suggest you do not use it as any kind of bargaining chip, Rahul. It isn't appropriate. Nor is this conversation, we are surrounded by potential enemies. You need to learn how to play the game in order to remain safe. Loud is not the best way."

"And you do...." Aodhan echoed, leaning forward in his seat to study his wife closely. "You do what, Sol?"

"Me lead?" Agatha shook her head with a frown. "I think that is something you will excel in more than I. You know the questions to ask that will make him trip over himself faster, how to get the truth out."

Kael followed only a half step behind his son.

"That is wonderful to hear, the best title I have ever worn." Avani breathed, lifting his hands up to take his face in her hands. Closing her eyes momentarily. "I adore you, husband. You are my missing piece."

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Fri 6 Sep - 23:05

“No more hiding that you are mine and I am yours.” Ruairi whispered before pulling away so he could observe her as he spoke; “Prince Kael pulled me aside before the ceremony… the house is still ours, as a wedding present. He does not want the keys returned despite my job requiring I be here. So if you need time away from court whilst I am working it is ours and you can come and go as you please with the children. And when I have time away we can retreat there. It is still ours.”

“I do not… I do not… I do not want a repeat of the celebration where we announced Princess Daphne was expecting, and Eira stayed up too late and spend the next week crying from tiredness as her sleep schedule was disrupted. It was too much.” Isolde eventually gained her words once more, nodding to herself once she got them formed.

“Mm.” Iskra nodded in acceptance of her sisters words. Picking up her drink and downing the last of it before heading over toward Kael. “Prince Kael? I find it amiss we have not been introduced properly yet, as we are family after all mm?” She said starkly, gaze flitting between Kael and Idris. “I am Iskra, Daphnes sister, and this is Agatha.” She added as she gestured behind her.

“Fine. I shall be sneaky, like you are with the healing wench. A few of the maids from the kitchen are of my own age, seducing them should be easy enough, giving us access to more information.” Rahul nodded as he reached for another drink. “We can do this Uncle, trust me enough to include me in your plans?”


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Fri 6 Sep - 23:29

"I am not attempting to seduce the healer." Rohan laughed in amusement, "However being able to watch you try to seduce anyone for the first time is a very amusing thought. If it will be fulfilling for you to flex your muscles around these women then do it. You are a Young Prince, a young man coming into his own. It is a normal urge to want to know that you can gain attention if you want it."

"Crown Prince Kael," Agatha nodded politely her greeting. "We have already apologised to your parents for the early arrival, we were sent earlier due to an incoming storm. The journey was pleasant, we missed it as predicted."

"Ah yes," Kael hummed his distracted greeting, crouching down just behind Idris. His hands resting on his waist to give him extra support as he reached up onto the table for the food. "I apologise myself, for not having had the time to greet you yet. With the upcoming coronation, and then a wedding to plan my schedule has been very quickly filled. Daphne did tell me of your arrival. This is my son, Idris. Idris, say hello to Daphne's sisters?"

"Yes." Aodhan agreed, his frown not faltering as his gaze remained steady on her. "I agree with you entirely. Only a couple of hours socialising, then the girls should go to bed."

"The house is still - still ours? It's still ours." Avani giggled with glee, leaning in to kiss him deeply. Fighting to restrain herself as she leant her weight against him instead and pulled away slightly. "Lets - Oh, oh we should mingle shouldn't we? All of these people are here for us."

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Fri 6 Sep - 23:40

“You missed that already, Uncle. Mother left her ladies at home, bored with nothing to do when she travelled here. Those with daughters practically threw them at me. None were suitable enough, not for a Prince. I know well how to command attention.”

“Mm, your bastard son, yes?” Iskra questioned, not even looking toward the child. “We were surprised to see he is at court, especially as Daphne is carrying your legitimate heir. One would have thought you would provide for the boy elsewhere, as is custom with your court usually, no? Surely you are not raising my sisters child alongside your bastard. Daphne speaks of all the love you have for her, you would see how keeping him here appears to negate her point.”

“Hello!” Idris greeted as instructed, holding his father’s arm as he clumsily bowed at the ladies in front of him before turning back to the food.

“Mm, mingling… and then tonight we don’t have to hide as we retreat to the same room together. There shall be no more hiding.” Ruairi grinned.

“Eira is a nightmare when tired.” Isolde nodded, eyebrow lifting. “Why are you observing me so?” She laughed softly. “Do I have something on my face?”


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Fri 6 Sep - 23:50

"I have no interest in continuing this conversation, not tonight, based on the trajectory you have both set out. If you want a formal meeting where we can speak more closely about your grievances then I will find the space to schedule both in. However, right now my son is trying to celebrate his aunts marriage to one of my inner circle. This is a happy occasion, the joining of two families. There is no space for this kind of talk."

"We must schedule a meeting to speak to our supposed brother-in-law? Is this something our sister must also do, if she wishes to spend time with her husband?" Agatha shook his head in disgust. "Is she often put second to your mistress and the bast-"

"Watch your language, especially around him." Kael warned, voice dropping low as his eyes narrowed at them.

"You kept it very quiet, and your father never spoke of it." Rohan hummed in amusement. "Does your mother know about your escapades? Finding someone suitable to marry is wonderful, you can pursue relations with whoever you want though as long as you don't produce bastards."

"Nothing, nothing." Aodhan whispered. "I am just... admiring you, that is all."

"Mingling together, as one. I - Oh to speak to people other than you and Indira. You be able to pursue friendships with regular people, with you at my side. Absolute freedom."

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Fri 6 Sep - 23:59

“So it is okay for Aunt Indira to do so but not me?” Rahul scoffed, shaking his head. “Father did not know, and there is no risk of children. I entertained them, I did not bed them. I wouldn’t sully myself. If their mothers were whoring them out to me then they were likely doing so with other men and I do not need any diseases.”

“You are getting soft in your old age my love.” Isolde chuckled, leaning forward and pressing her lips to his.

“It offends you to be reminded of your son’s nature? Your son is a bastard, my sister carries your true heir. Why insult - “

“Use that word around my son again and you won’t be able to speak for the foreseeable.” Indira warned as she moved to stand at Iskra’s side, the threat not even thinly concealed. “He is but a baby. He is at court because his father, the future King has decreed it so. Your sister has no issue with it.”

“You have me, Avani. You have your home, your sons, and you have your freedom… Welcome to the rest of your life, my love.” Ruairi took Avani’s hand and kissed the back of it gently.


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 7 Sep - 0:09

"I think it is best that Captain Hawk escorts you back to your rooms," Kael stood up straight then to speak to his in-laws, keeping a supportive grip on his sons shoulder as he merely cast a telling glance towards Wyatt to summon him. "Better to do this in a controlled environment where everyone is able to keep their tempers and young children aren't around to hear."

"Old age? That is insulting." Aodhan chuckled, kissing her back deeply.

"Your Aunt Indira has been a hostage here, a prisoner. She has suffered mental torture, psychological tricks that make her believe these people love her. It is the same thing I believe your mother may be experiencing it, but I am still.. trying to work it out for sure. Perhaps she is on the cusp."

"It is a dream. All of it. A dream."

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 7 Sep - 0:21

“It would be best if you removed the bastard and the Whore of Baldruun from the castle and treated my sister with the respect she deserves as your wife! She lays upstairs, having given up everything that is good and decent about our upbringing to debase herself in this court for - “

“What did you call me?” Indira breathed, so taken aback by the blatant insult without gentle wording she did not strike when her son was once again insulted.

“Not just I, Indira. The entire East. This man cut off your brothers head and paraded it around with glee and you spread your legs for him and bore his bastard. The moniker has made you famous back on the continent. If you are not laughed at by the men you horrify the women.” Iskra sneered, though flinched as Wyatt gripped her arm unexpectedly. “The Kisari soldiers told everyone about it, the way he revelled in your brothers dead body. And then when news eventually arrived that you had his child? Horrified the people. Your family not warning you? It is because they are ashamed, of you, of the child. You - “ she cut off as Wyatt jerked her away, discretely marching her from the room, another of the guards doing the same with Agatha, though gentler.

“So let me into the details of the plot to get everyone back home and away from here.” Rahul encouraged, gaze following as the Princesses were lead from the room.

“We are both old, hence the upcoming retirement.” Isolde laughed, moving her hand to brush against his cheek once again. The most open affection she had displayed.

“I did not dare to dream this…” Ruairi hummed as he enveloped Avani in his arms once more. “When I escorted an angry Princess to her rooms… I did not believe this would be the outcome.” He laughed.


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 7 Sep - 0:35

"Interesting..." Rohan whispered, easily distracted from the conversation as he watched the Dirvas sisters. "If you wish to help me, then use your youth to your advantage. Find out what that was about, mm? Wander over, offer to watch your cousin and lurl around Kale and your Aunt Indira as they discuss."

"Do not touch me, brute." Agatha warned, shaking herself free of the guards touch. Barking, more viciously at Wyatt, "Let her go too. We are aware of where we are going. Your Prince dismissing us merely proves the point we were trying to make."

"Ridiculous women." Kael tutted with a shake of his head. "'Ridiculous with vicious, sharp tongues. Daphone is going to be horrified when she learns of their behaviour. She - Are you okay, Indira? I am sorry someone is trying to ruin such a happy evening for our family."

"Angry? Oh you are certainly being kind with that wording." Avani laughed quietly. "I was outraged, bloodthirsty and you, you were still the most gentle hand. It threw me sideways, and how you did not accuse me of being mad when I wanted to check the walls, the floor for men who watched."

"You are just being insulting now." Aodhän hummed light heartedly

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 7 Sep - 0:43

“You were dismissed because of your vile comments about the Princes own son and the guest of the Crown. Not because of any truth you were spitting.”

Guest. Prisoner.” Iskra hissed, snatching her arm free from Wyatt. “We are walking to the rooms provided. You may follow at a distance to ensure we get there but if you touch me again I’ll scream.” She warned.

“Mm, I do wonder what you will be doing in the meantime.” Rahul questioned, though took the opportunity to get into his Uncles good Graces and wandered toward his aunt.

“Mm.” Indira replied almost silently, too taken aback for words as she shakily dropped to her knees and rested her hands on Idris’ shoulders, smoothing down his arms a few times to check he was okay. “Idris, you are okay?” She asked in her native tongue, the words thick as she controlled it from cracking.

“Treats now?” Idris questioned, bothered that his parents had been too distracted to help him with the food.

“I can help him with treats, Aunt Indira, if you need a moment?” Rahul offered, resting his hand on Idris’ hair and gently ruffling it.

“I - thank you, Rahul. Yes. T-thank you.”

“It is said with love.” Isolde assured, reaching forward and resting her hand over his heart. “Deep love, Aodhän.”

“I knew that for you to seem so scared that it was an experience you’d already had. Not an illusion or madness. I knew you needed the check to feel safe… and I needed you to feel safe.”


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 7 Sep - 0:52

"We are in public, Sol, and you were behaving strangely. Are you feeling well?" Aodhän frowned, resting his chin on top of her head as he coaxed her closer to his chest. "Maybe we should return to our own rooms soon."

"Even then, when we had shared little more than a fee conversation on a rickety boat that I was certain would sink at any moment."

"I am sure Idris will enjoy it, spending time with one of his cousins." Kael also spoke in Baldruunian, reaching his hand out to squeeze Indira's shoulder gently. "Come on, let's take a few moments."

"It all it takes is one scream, one accusation to take your promotion away. To remove everything you have ever worked for." Agatha threatened lowly. "My sister did not say anything that wasn't true and being dismissed from a formal event proves that."

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 7 Sep - 1:02

“Go with your cousin, Idris. Be good. Remember no running so soon.” Indira reminded her little boy, kissing the top of his head before getting to her feet and nodding at Kael. “Yes… a few moments.” She nodded, taking in deep breaths to compose herself.

“Behaving - I tell you I love you and I am strange? You reject me last night when I ask you for intimacy and now you do not like me saying I love you?” Isolde pulled away, frosty. “Am I no longer what you want? I am waning as Queen, I am old and worn out so it is embarrassing to be with me?”

“We spent time in the East, not one person ever even inferred - “

“You think anyone is stupid enough to use the name they have given Indira in front of the royal family, with whom you spent time with? Of course you did not hear it. It does not mean it is not true. One Princess who whores herself out and the other whose husband died and she mysteriously fled the country - though the why is now obvious.”

“You were stupid enough to use the name in front of the royal family.” Wyatt pointed out without further comment.

“And yet it did not, we both made it safe to shore… and then we made it safe to your rooms…”


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 7 Sep - 1:16

Kael quietly offered his arm out for her to take. "Fresh air will do good, I need to take the moment to breath aswell."

"No, no, don't be silly. It is just unlike you, I am worried." Aodhän frowned. "The mood swings are starting again, aren't they? I think we need to go back to Aoifd and Lilly. They've missed something."

"Is that an insult?" Agatha challenged, eyes narrowing at Wyatt. "'Do you wish to risk it, an accusation that you have touched us inappropriately? I suggest you stop fighting if you don't."

"And then, eventually..." Avani laughed, leaning in to press her lips to his jawline. "You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen."

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 7 Sep - 1:23

“I am not with child Aodhän.” Isolde sighed deeply, shaking her head and moving to sit in her seat properly.

“Fresh air and - “ Indira leaned over and grabbed two glasses of champagne from a serving girl, handing one over to Kael before taking his arm and gesturing for him to lead the way.

“I am mated, the idea I’d even think of looking at another woman is not something anyone will believe.” Wyatt snorted in laughter then. “Let alone - “

“We were implying manhandling, Captain Hawk. You are now accusing us of falsifying other more heinous accusations? The poison just drips from your tongue.”

“That makes me a perfect match for you, as you are the most stunning woman I have ever met.”


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 7 Sep - 1:32

"The fact you even thought of such things." Agatha scoffed. "All men are the same, whether mated or not, clearly. I see a reoccurring theme with the men here sister, don't you?"

"No, no I don't believe you are. I mean, I trust that they are correct." Aodhän swallowed. "I am struggling to keep up with your moods Isolde. Is it me who needs checking for illness?"

"Absolutely, though whether the one glass will be enough I'm not sure." Kael grimaced, sipping his glass as he made himself out of the room. Taking the nearest door to the left to step out into the gardens.

"Mm," Avani hummed contently, adjusting the collar of his shirt. "This is not mingling, husband. Mingling is going to groups of friends together and making small talk, thanking them for coming. Right now we are... forget the world exists. We should be social, your friends first.. Brennan and the woman he is with, his guest or a Private?"

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 7 Sep - 1:43

“Brennan has shown no interest in women since he lost his wife and son at the end of the Siege. The woman he is with is merely his fellow soldier.” Ruairi explained, hand moving to rest on the small of her back.

“I do not feel my moods changing…” Isolde frowned, moving to scratch at her wrist, the skin red as she’d been doing it a few days to an invisible itch. “I feel fine… just tired… But Lord Waterhouse confirmed that I finished our meeting perfectly well…”

“Fetch the Prince and I a bottle of the oldest wine available and bring it to us in the gardens!” Indira gave a rare command to one of the serving girls as the left the inside of the castle and made their way outside, leaning her head back and inhaling the fresh air deeply.

“I think the two of you came here and expected your sister to be miserable and fat with a child forced upon her. I think the two of you are both surprised and disappointed that wasn’t the case. And I think that because there was nothing scintillating for you to find when you arrived you are trying to create it like the silly young girls you are. Perhaps you should consider what you gain out of repeatedly telling a little boy who cannot even fathom what it means to be a bastard that he is indeed one, over and over again. I think you should think about what you gain from telling a Prisoner as you are keen to call her, that she is a Whore, when the relationship she had with the Prince was over long before your sister was even a speck in his eye. You gain nothing other then your own sad little pleasure because you are silly little girls. I’ll be reminding men of the attitude you have had tonight when they are thinking of approaching you for your hand in marriage. Nobody wants to wed such children.” Wyatt replied evenly, stopping as they were outside the sisters quarters. “Good evening, Princesses.”


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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  BestNameEva Sat 7 Sep - 12:30

Aodhän slipped his fingertips between hers and squeezed gently, preventing her from scratching. "I'm not disagreeing that you feel fine. Just... allow me to worry for now."

"A new one? I don't recognise her." Avani hummed, though made no hesitation to head over to the two soldiers. A warm smile cast upon them both, "Luc and...." she gave his female counterpart an apologetic glance. "...We are glad you have come today.  To share such a moment with friends is what makes it special."

"O'Ferrall, Princess. Iara O'Ferrall." The short fae woman pushed black hair, used to being bound in a tight plait whilst working behind her ear as it once more uncurled near her face. A warmth radiating at she grinned at Rauiri, "You scrub up well."

"You have a bastard child, don't you? Or some kind of monstrosity." Agatha answered calmly. "I have seen it running around these halls just this morning. It certainly isn't normal, to behave the way it was. No wonder you defend your Prince's bastard so valiantly."

"Daphne warned me that her sisters would be challenging but to blatantly insult him, to his face." Kael swallowed, anger palpable once they were alone. "Not even to his face just over him like he wasn't even there, like he was nothing. If I were not who I was I would have striked the bitches. I understand how my mother can be so cruel when people speak unkindly of me, they are lucky to have walked out of that room. Though I imagine Hawk has gripped them tight enough to bruise, he seemed just as angry."

Last edited by BestNameEva on Sat 7 Sep - 12:56; edited 2 times in total

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Hope Falls - Page 10 Empty Re: Hope Falls

Post  Phoenix Sat 7 Sep - 12:59

“I told you when you said you married a Caleeri woman that they were uptight.” Indira laughed without humour, no blame in her tone. “The one you got was soft, clearly, compared to those two. I could understand it more if he were older, but who takes joy in belittling a child?” She sighed softly, leaning against him as she walked. “We are going to have to get thicker skin aren’t we? They will not be the only ones to say such cruel things about our little boy. Whether they will be insolent enough to say it to your face is in question but it will be said… People will not care how sweet and kind he is, they will only blame him for what he could not help…”

“You do not need to worry…” Isolde assured as her hand was enveloped by his. “All is well…”

“It was my wedding, I think it’s the one event I should scrub up for.” Ruairi grinned proudly as his arm tightened further around his bride.

“Congratulations to you both, Princess.” Luc dipped his head, “I am still… in disbelief. But it is clearly true.” He added with a chuckle.

“My son is none of your concern. I’d concern yourself with the fact you yourselves will die childless as no man would want your nature passing down to a poor soul.” Wyatt opened the door to their quarters, gesturing roughly for them to go in.


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